During the workshop, senior statisticians and policy planners from all francophone countries in Central and East Africa will be trained on the use and application of the newly introduced African Social Development Index (ASDI) - a tool for informing and mapping social policies.
The tool, a first of its kind, developed by ECA following a request from African States, measures the depth of human exclusion in key areas of development: health, education, employment, income and survival.
Data for each of the key areas is practically gleaned across the individual life cycle – from early childhood to the elderly stage. Indeed, the tool allows analysing the range of factors affecting the probability of an individual to be excluded from development in each phase of their life. It would contribute to a more inclusive approach to development.
ASDI : What experts from Central Africa think (French)
ASDI : What experts from Francophone East Africa see it (French)
ASDI : the take of CEMAC and ECCAS (French)