
Ad hoc Expert Group Meeting (AEGM) on Enhancing Monitoring and Evaluation in the Regional Coordination Mechanism for Africa
Monday, September 28, 2015 to Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Adama/Nazareth, Ethiopia

The Ad hoc Expert Group Meeting on Enhancing Monitoring and Evaluation in the Regional Coordination Mechanism for Africa will take place at La Residence Hotel and Spa, located in Adama/Nazareth, Ethiopia, on 28 to 29 September 2015. This is the first of a series of events being held back to back with a broad aim of strengthening the UN coordination mechanism at the continental and sub-regional levels, so as to support the African Union and African regional economic communities with the implementation of the Agenda 2063.  

Despite significant achievements, the RCM-Africa and its subsidiary SRCMs face some challenges related to monitoring and evaluating joint programmes and activities of the clusters for ascertaining if the programmes are aligned to strategic priorities of the African Union and its organs. In light of this the RCM-Africa has prepared a report on Enhancing Monitoring and Evaluation in the Regional Coordination Mechanism.  The purpose of the AEGM is to bring together experts to discuss the report and make suggestion on its improvement and finalization.