Pre-Forum Activities

The pre-Forum activities are a core part of the strategy for hosting ADF VI. They are meant to ensure that the process is representative of issues at country and subregional levels and is participatory, in the sense that stakeholders, including governments, academia, civil society and development partners are consulted before the Forum is held.

The main steps are:

•  Preparation of the issues paper highlighting the key issues related to the achievement of gender equality and women's empowerment and the major implementation challenges, and proposing thematic areas for discussion during the Forum;

•  Preparation of the Forum's background document based on a desk review and consultation with the other United Nations agencies and regional, subregional and national partners, including AU, UNECA and AfDB subregional offices (SROs);

•  Presentation of the issues paper to the AU/ECA Conference of Ministers of Gender and Women's Affairs in August 2008; and

•  Organization an e-discussion to facilitate a broader discourse on the key issues.


:: Programme of work for PRE AND POST FORUM AND SIDE EVENTS