Observatory on Regional Integration in Africa

ECOWAS - Macroeconomic Policy Convergence

The West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) is an existing Customs and Currency Union between eight ECOWAS member States, namely: Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea-Bissau, Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Niger, Senegal and Togo. WAEMU came in to existence in 1994 to deepen economic integration and exists as a sub-regional grouping within the ECOWAS. The remaining ECOWAS member States, with the exception of Cabo Verde, are in the process of establishing a Monetary Union under the constituency known as the West African Monetary Zone.

ECOWAS - Trade and Market Integration

Trade and market integration are at the heart of ECOWAS’ aims and objectives. Article (3) of the Revised Treaty of ECOWAS stipulates the removal of trade barriers and harmonization of trade policies for the establishment of a Free Trade Area, a Customs Union, a Common Market and an eventual culmination in to a Monetary and Economic Union in West Africa.

ECCAS - Peace, Security, Stability and Governance

The Establishing Treaty of ECCAS does not mention peace, security, stability and governance in its institutional structure. However, ECCAS adopted the Protocol of Peace and Security in February 1999, to deal with the conflicts and political instability in the region. The Protocol gave way for the establishment of the Security Council in Central Africa (COPAX) with three key instruments, the Commission for Defense and Security, the Central African Early Warning System and the Central African Multinational Force.

ECCAS - Macroeconomic Policy Convergence

The Macroeconomic policy convergence is clearly addressed in the aims of ECCAS. Although CEMAC has merged into the ECCAS configuration, efforts to expand the monetary union to the rest of the ECCAS member States are insufficient. There is, for instance, no formal mechanism for macroeconomic policy convergence within ECCAS. On the other hand, CEMAC is steadily promoting the macroeconomic policy convergence in its CFA monetary zone.
