Observatory on Regional Integration in Africa


1. How many Regional Economic Communities (RECs) are recognised by the African Union as the pillars of the envisaged African Economic Community?

Observatory on Regional Integration in Africa

The Observatory on Regional Integration in Africa (ORIA) is a “one-stop-shop” source of comprehensive information, data, facts and figures on Africa’s regional integration agenda, including  achievements, milestones, challenges and constraints, especially across the Regional Economic Communities (RECs), in particular the 8 RECs recognized by the African Union Heads of State and Government Summit as constituting the building blocks of the African Union name

Africa 2.0: Harnessing natural resource wealth for economic transformation

Addis Ababa, 04 September 2013 (ECA) –  The annual forum of policy makers, policy makers, economists and researchers working on African issues will be held on 7 October, in Paris, France. The forum will be held against the backdrop of reversing the previous trend of the 1990s that has resulted in a positive structural transformation over the last 10 years. In addition, overall productivity has risen, with labour moving to more productive activities.


Regional Integration is a Primary Condition for Africa’s Industrial Revolution

Johannesburg, 27 October 2013 (ECA) - “Regional Integration in Africa,” the theme of this year’s October 28-30 African Economic Conference (AEC) in Johannesburg, is at the very core of the quest for the continent’s industrial revolution.

The AEC is an annual business intelligence forum organized by the African Development Bank (AfDB), the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), to discuss the continent’s major economic development challenges.

