Second survey on COVID-19 pandemic and its economic impact on African countries

The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and International Economics Consulting Ltd teamed up in April 2020, in order to carry out the first survey and provide insights into the economic effects of the pandemic on economic activity and trade for businesses across Africa. The analysis and full report has been published and can be accessed here.

Based on the positive responses of the April Survey, and with a view to shedding light on the policy responses and understanding how businesses are progressing during the pandemic, the team is proposing a second round of the survey. Please also note that the scope of the questionnaire has been slightly expanded (compared to the first round) to account for issues that are gaining even more importance in the context of the pandemic and relating to supply chains, technology, competition and gender.

This survey should take 15 minutes to complete, and please rest assured all responses will remain strictly confidential. Please click on the link below to begin the survey, the deadline for completing the survey is Sunday 28 June.

Thank you very much for giving your time to help us with our research. If you have any queries or comments about the survey or the research study, please do not hesitate to contact us by mail