The Ninth African Development Forum will be held in Marrakech, Morocco, from 12 to 16 October 2014 on the theme “Innovative financing for Africa’s transformation”. The Forum will offer a platform for prominent African stakeholders to share key information and participate in more focused and in-depth discussions on issues relating to innovative financing mechanisms in the following four thematic areas:
(1) Domestic resource mobilization (2) Illicit financial flows (3) Private equity (4) New forms of partnership. More ...
ECA launches Innovative tool to boost assessment of inclusive development in Africa
Africa must generate resources from within its economies
Africa will be trading predominantly with partners from the South by 2020
Private Equity and the growth of pension funds provide a massive opportunity to finance investment
Tracking Africa’s stolen billions
Duarte: Focus on Institutions for Development
Côte d’Ivoire looks to PPPs for development
Lopes: Africa needs a new aid paradigm
Private equity looks to African investors
Morocco calls for African solidarity and progress
African Presidents, Ministers, attend the ninth African Development Forum in Morocco
High level delegations expected in Marrakech for African Development Forum
Morocco to host the 9th Africa Development Forum