
LPI Implementing Partners’ Planning and Review Meeting
Land Policy Initiative: Strategic Planning and Management
Monday, November 23, 2015 to Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The third LPI implementing partners Meeting will be held on 23-24 November to take stock of progress in the development and implementation of joint projects on land policy and governance between the LPI and its key implementing partners.  In particular, the meeting will examine progress made in the implementing of the following joint projects: Zambia/LPI/ECA; Niger/LPI/SDC; IGAD/LPI/SDC; PAFO/LPI; CSO Platform/LPI; FAO/LPI/EU/SDC; LPI/UN-Habitat/GLTN; LPI/AfDB; LPI/ACG (ECA).  The meeting will also examine and refine joint work plans and budgets of recently created joint projects between the LPI and several partners: LPI/COMESA; LPI/EAC; LPI/ECOWAS; LPI/RCMRD; LPI/IDEP; and LPI/GIZ/World Bank (NELGA). Finally the meeting will provide inputs towards the finalization of joint projects including: LPI/ECCAS; LPI/UMA; LPI/NPCA, LPI/PAP and LPI/Landesa. It is envisaged that the meeting will identify areas of synergies and complementarities; and define platforms for exchange knowledge and sharing experiences in the context of implementing the AU Declaration on Land.