Conference Papers and Presentations
Wednesday, 12 November 2014: Securing land rights under different tenure regimes
Plenary Session I: What have we learnt from efforts to secure land rights in Africa?
- Securing land and resource rights in Africa - review of the last decade - Clarissa Augustinus, GLTN
- Strengthening women’s land rights in Africa –Hubert Ouedraogo, Land Policy Initiative :Presentation
- Lessons from the Voluntary Guidelines on the responsible governance of tenure –Andrew Hilton, FAO : Presentation
Colloquium 1: Experiences, challenges and options of securing land access for all
Joseph K. Kidido - Youth access to agricultural land in the Techiman traditional area: moving from conceptual construction to field investigation: Conference Paper, Presentation
Oracle M. Diki – Governance of agricultural land use - struggle for land in Kinshasa: Conference Paper, Presentation
Achamyeleh A. Gashu – The challenges of land rights in the Peri-urban agricultural areas of Ethiopia in the era of urbanization: A property rights approach: Conference paper, Presentation
Alfred Bizoza - Population growth and land scarcity in Rwanda: A look at the other face of the “Coin”: Conference paper, Presentation
Colloquium 2: Experiences of securing group or community land rights
E.K. Mandeng Ntsimi –Legislative action and the recognition of community land rights: REPAR’s contribution to the advocacy network in Cameroon : Conference Paper, Presentation
Abebe Mulatu –Safeguarding pastoral land use rights in Ethiopia: Conference Paper, Presentation
Samuel B. Biitir –Securing Land Rights under the tendamba/family Customary System of Land Tenure. The case of Wa Municipality: Conference Paper, Presentation
Colloquium 3: Women’s land rights: impact of land reforms and addressing persisting policy bottlenecks
Joyce R. Nangobi –Fostering transparency in land ownership use and transmission: Jinja case study : Conference Paper, Presentation
Zelallem Y. Atsbeha –Challenges to the Implementation of the rural Land Law as a tool of empowering women in Ethiopia: the case of Amhara Regional State : Conference Paper, Presentation
Fati Al Hassan – Women's access to justice: Grassroots women's approach to securing land rights : Conference Paper, Presentation
Rebecca Ochong – The gender agenda in land governance and land governance and the role of African land professionals: Conference Paper, Presentation
Focused Discussion I: Experience in applying the social tenure domain model (STDM) to secure land rights
Veronica Katulushi – Securing women’s land rights in customary land tenure through the Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM): The case of Mungule Chiefdom, Chibombo District, Zambia : Presentation
Pamoja Trust – Sharing lessons on the use of social tenure domain model for urban and rural experiences in Kenya, Uganda and Zambia : Presentation 1, Presentation 2, Presentation 3
Focused discussion II: Emerging land issues in African agriculture and implications of the food policy and institutional reform
Jordan Chamberlin – Land Scarcity and African Agriculture: Implications for food security and poverty reduction strategies : Conference Paper, Presentation
Milu Muyanga – Is small still beautiful? The farm size-productivity relationship revisited: Conference Paper, Presentation
Maria Molokomme - Understanding the Youth, Agriculture and Food Security Nexus in Malawi: From an Agricultural Policy Perspective: Conference Paper, Presentation
Focused discussion III: The role of parliaments in strengthening land governance
Pan African Parliament
- Hon. Abdoulie K. Jawla – Gambia
- Hon. Bernadeta Mushashu – Tanzania
- Hon. Mockar Zerouali – Algeria
- Hon. Patrick Mayombe – DRC
Thematic Session 1:Lessons from formalization initiatives
Heriniaina Rakotomalala – Formalizing Land Rights by Young Household Heads: The Case of Nine Rural Communes in Madagascar : Conference Paper(ENG, FRN), Presentation
Asante Abadi Lewis– Contested Space - Commercial driven Land use transition and indigenous adaptive strategies : Conference Paper, Presentation
Souleyman Ouattara –Achieving Land Security in Rural Areas in Burkina Faso : Conference Paper, Presentation
Steven Lawry – The impact of land property rights Interventions on Investment and agricultural productivity in developing countries : Conference Paper, Presentation
Thematic Session 2: Innovative approaches to financing secure access to land
- French Cooperation, Alain Durand Lasserve : Presentation
- GIZ, Christian Graefen : Presentation
- SDC, Manuel Flury : Presentation
- USAID, Mercedes Stickler : Presentation
- UNHABITAT, Solomon Haile : Presentation
- Landesa, Jennifer Duncan : Presentation
- European Commission, Joachim Knoth : Presentation
Thematic Session 3: Legislative and operational tools to secure land rights
Jaap Zevenbergen – GLTN Tools and approaches in support of land policy implementation in Africa: Conference Paper, Presentation
Naomi Kenney – Developing gender-equitable frameworks for land tenure: A legislative assessment tool: Conference Paper, Presentation
Yuliya Neyman - Operational guidelines for responsible land based investment, A practical guide for private sector: Conference Paper, Presentation
Plenary session II: Formalisation and experiences with community titling(Roundtable)
Klaus Deininger – How to make secure land rights more accessible & affordable? : Presentation
Clarissa Augustinus -What lessons can we learn from the Mexican customary land registration system for African customary areas? : Presentation
SIDE EVENT I: Strengthening Women's and Land Rights in the Next Decade of Land Governance: Successful Practices for Scaling up - Huairou Commission
SIDE EVENT II: Pathways to realizing collective tenure rights to natural resources - IASS
Thursday, 13 November 2014: Inclusive agricultural growth - Agricultural investment, productivity and land rights in the context of large scale investments
Plenary Session III: In search of inclusive agricultural growth – trends and challenges
- Africa’s agricultural growth – How close are we to the revolution? – Ngongi Namanga : Presentation
- Land policy, land governance and the CAADP agenda– Joan Kagwanja : Presentation
- African Union Guiding Principles on Large ScaleLand Based Investments – Janet Edeme : Presentation
Colloquium 4: Land governance frameworks in the coming decade – implementation dynamics and implications for agriculture
Paul Jere –Issues and options for improved land sector governance in Malawi – Results of application of the Land Governance Assessment Framework: Conference Paper, Presentation
Mathieu Boche – Guide on due diligence of land based investment projects that affect land and property rights: Conference Paper, Presentation
Regina Pritchett - Land governance in the coming decade – what prospects for women’s rights: Conference Paper, Presentation
Esther Obaikol - Monitoring tenure security a foothold for policy reform and practice change in Africa: The Case for Global Land Indicators as a Common Framework for Tracking Progress on Land Issues: Conference Paper, Presentation
Colloquium 5: Securing inclusive growth in the context of large scale land based investments
Eric P. Pamen – FDI, land access and land market in Cameroon, a way of boosting intra regional trade: Conference Paper, Presentation
Clemence Nhliziyo – Lessons from land investments in Zimbabwe: The case of Chisumbanje Ethanol Investment: Conference Paper, Presentation
Evans S. Osabuohien – Youth unemployment and large scale land deals in Tanzania: Role of local capacity and institutions: Conference Paper, Presentation
Colloquium 6: Securing land rights in the context of large scale investments
Richmond Antwi-Bediako – Land rights and implications of jatropha investments in Ghana: the boom, bust and land transformation: Conference Paper, Presentation
Andrew Chilombo – Large scale land investments on customary land: a case study of Nansanga farm block in Zambia: Conference Paper, Presentation
Emmanuel Mlaka – The paradox of smallholder food security in the emergence of large scale land investments: Conference Paper, Presentation
Doreen N. Kobusingye – Decentralization and Power Complexities in Large ScaleLand Allocations: The Case of Amuru Sugar Project in Uganda: Conference Paper, Presentation
Focused Discussion IV: 'The Model Matters'
Chrispin Matenga – Searching for Inclusive Agricultural Business Models: A Comparison between the Large-scale Plantation Model (Zambeef) and Nucleus-estate Out-growers Scheme Model (Zambia Sugar/Illovo) in Zambia: Conference Paper, Presentation
Abdirizak Nunow – Land scarcity, capital investment and high-value harvests in Meru County, Kenya: Conference Paper, Presentation
Gertrude Dzifa – Local Impacts of Global Resource Scarcity - Examining the institutional arrangements and the local impacts of agricultural modernisation via Land Deals in Ghana: Conference Paper, Presentation
Focused Discussion V: ‘Towards an integrated implementation of the VGGT and F&G’- FAO and ILC: FAO presentation, ILC Presentation
Focused Discussion VI: Demonstration of the African Land Portal on LSLBI – Land Policy Initiative : Presentation
Thematic Session 4: Exploring the nexus of land administration and the future of smallholder agriculture in Zambia
Nicholas Sitko - Land alienation by elites and its effects on agricultural growth in Zambia: Conference Paper, Presentation
Munguzwe Hichaambwa - Smallholder farm size, agricultural commercialization, and potential broad based rural poverty reduction: Evidence from Zambia: Conference Paper, Presentation
Jordan Chamberlin - Rural Land Rental Markets in Southern Africa: Trends, participation and impacts on household welfare in Malawi and Zambia: Conference Paper, Presentation
Brian P. Mulenga - Rural-Rural Mobility, Land and Labour Markets in Zambia: Conference Paper, Presentation
Thematic Session 5: African youth, employment and agricultural growth
Cyriaque Hakizimana - “It is like waiting for the rain in a dry season”: Assessing the Impacts of the Failure of Intergenerational Land Transfers on Rural Youth in East Africa: Conference Paper, Presentation
Beby S. Andriamanalina - Rural youth and land access: The case of Madagascar: Conference Paper, Presentation
Manase K. Chiweshe - An Investigation into the Marginalization of Adolescent Girls from the Agrarian Structure and its Impacts on their Livelihoods in Africa: Experiences from Zimbabwe: Conference Paper, Presentation
Andiswe Jukuda - Can Agriculture be a Remedy for Rural Youth Unemployment: Conference Paper, Presentation
Gillo M. Lekane - Coffee Crisis and Rural Youth Attitude towards Agriculture: The Case of the WesternProvince of Cameroon: Conference Paper, Presentation
Gertrude D. Torvikey - Land for Equity and the GADCO Rice Project: A Sustainable Agriculture Model for the Youth and for Ghana?: Conference Paper, Presentation
Thematic Session 6: Traditional authorities and local land management (Panel discussion)
Eria Serwaijja - Accumulation ‘from below’: Land Grabbing Within and Between the Local Communities of Amuru district, Northern Uganda: Conference Paper, Presentation
His Royal Highness Senior Chief Chibesakunda XI Bwembya Bob Luo, Zambia: Conference Paper, Presentation
Romanus Alaanngeh Che, Cameroon: Conference Paper, Presentation
Mr. Matthew Otto Ker Kwaro Acholi (Chiefdom of Acholi), Uganda: Conference Paper, Presentation
Nana Frimpong Anokye Ababio, Ghana: Conference Paper, Presentation
Plenary session IV: Can Africa achieve agricultural growth which is inclusive?
- Marc Wegerif, Oxfam
- Ward Answeeu, Land Matrix
- Madiodio Niasse, ILC
SIDE EVENT IV: Youth and Land in Africa (FARA, FAO and PLAAS)
SIDE EVENT III: Focus on Smallholder Farmers (ILC)
Friday, 14 November 2014: Experiences and emerging best practices in developing and implementing land policies
Plenary Session V: The Africa agenda on land – successes, challenges and nexus with agricultural productivity (Policy maker panel)
Colloquium 7: Land administration and the future of smallholder agriculture
Wubante Fetene – Acquisition of Land Holdings and Compensation practice in Ethiopia: Amhara Region - Bahir DarCity surrounding farming areas: Conference Paper, Presentation
Mkpado Mmaduabuchukwu – International Land Trade and Investment Capacity in African Agriculture: How can the People Benefit?: Conference Paper, Presentation
Frank Byamugisha –EffectiveLand Administration in Africa: Promising Practices and Way Forward: Conference Paper, Presentation
Colloquium 8: Addressing capacity for land policy development and implementation in Africa
Ernest L. Molua – Building Resilience and Sustainability in Agricultural Land Management in the Central African sub-region: Conference Paper, Presentation
Solomon Haile – Towards an Africa Capacity Development Framework for land Policy: Conference Paper, Presentation
Essimi J. Biloa – Gender responsive microcredit policy, inclusive growth and food security in Cameroon: Conference Paper, Presentation
Mikemina, Pilo – Impact of Adaptation Strategies on Farm Households’ farm Income: An Analysis based on Bio-Economic Model: Conference Paper, Presentation
Colloquium 9: Country experiences in developing and implementing land policies
Ahanda S. Nicaise – Policies and Laws Governing Land Tenure, Dichotomy or consistency in Africa: the Case of Pastoral Lands in Cameroon and Niger: Conference Paper, Presentation
Freedom Mazwi - Sugar production after the Fast Track Land Reform Programme in Zimbabwe: A focus on out-growers in Triangle, HippoValley and Mkwasine estates: Conference Paper, Presentation
Stanley N. Toe – Land Reform in Liberia: Developing the FirstNationalLand Policy: Conference Paper, Presentation
Focused Discussion VII: Costing and financing of land administration services (CoFLAS) in developing countries
Focused Discussion VIII: Converting from Manual Land Registration to GIS Enabled Land Information System: Case Studies from Sub Saharan Africa
- Mike Cheremshynsky, LIS Design and Development Specialist (Ghana) - Land Information System as new instrument for Land Administration: Case Examples
- Ghana – Ben Arthur Lands Commission
- Uganda – Richard Oput Commissioner, Land Reform Program
- Sarah Kulata Basangwa, Commissioner for Registration (Uganda)
- Tanzania - Subira Sinda Registrar of Titles, Ministry of Lands Housing & Human Settlement Development
- Barney Laseko Projects Coordinator, PMO (Tanzania)
- Mozambique - João Carrilho former MCA Land Project Coordinator
Focused Discussion IX: Land Programmes in Ethiopia - An exploration
- Responsible and Innovative Land Administration Program (REILA)
- Land Investment for Transformation (LIFT)
- Land Administration to Nurture Development (LAND)
Stakeholder Round Table Discussions
1. Technical & Development Partners, Convenor: EU
2. Policy Makers, Convenor: Hubert Ouedraogo
3. Non-state actors, Convenor: Catherine Gatundu
4. Research & Academia, Convenor: Ruth Hall