Provisional Agenda

  1. Opening of the Meeting.
  2. Election of the Bureau.
  3. Adoption of the Agenda and Organization of Work.
  4. Theme of the Conference: The Challenges of Financing Development in Africa.
    • Keynote Address on "The Challenges of Financing Development in Africa".
    • Panel Presentations and Discussion on "Policy Reforms and Aid Effectiveness"
    • Panel Presentations and Discussion on a "Review of the African Debt Situation"
  5. Report on the Current Economic and Social Situation in Africa.
  6. Ministerial Policy Debate on the Economic and Social Situation and Challenges of Financing Development in Africa.
  7. Consideration of the Report and Recommendations of the Nineteenth Meeting of the Technical Preparatory Committee of the Whole (TEPCOW) and Intergovernmental Group of Experts of the Seventh Session of the Conference of African Ministers of Finance.
  8. Consideration of the Draft Ministerial Statement on "The Challenges of Financing Development in Africa".
  9. Any other business.
  10. Adoption of the Report and Closure of the Meeting.