
Tenth Session of the Regional Coordination Mechanism
of UN Agencies and Organizations Working in Africa in Support of the African Union and its NEPAD Programme (RCM-Africa)
Thursday, November 5, 2009 to Friday, November 6, 2009
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The 10th Session of the Regional Coordination Mechanism (RCM) in Africa will take place on 05 and 06 November 2009 within the framework of UN support to the implementation of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) and to the UN-AU Cooperation Framework and its Ten-Year Capacity Building Programme for the African Union. The meeting is significant for a variety of reasons. It marks the tenth time that UN Agencies and Organizations are hold- ing consultations with key African institutions on strengthening coherence and delivering a more coordinated UN support to development in Africa. This tenth anniversary represents a notable point in the evolution of the Mechanism and provides an opportunity to take stock of progress in order to determine how to move forward in a more effective manner. A lot has been achieved by the RCM both in terms of support from the RCM Secretariat and coordination of clusters. The RCM Secretariat is providing more strategic coordination and support to the Mechanism, while coordination of clusters has become stronger with an increasing number of jointly implemented programmes leading to tangible results.