Draft Annotated Agenda - Committee of Experts

Wednesday, 26 March

1. Opening of the meeting

The opening statements will be delivered by the Chairperson of the outgoing Bureau of the Committee of Experts, Representative of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Development of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, Commissioner for Economic Affairs of the African Union Commission, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, and the State Minister of Finance and Economic Development of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia.

2. Election of the Bureau

There will be a short break after the opening ceremony, during which the Heads of Delegation will meet to elect a new Bureau. The Bureau will comprise five members - a Chairperson, three Vice-Chairpersons, and one Rapporteur to be elected on the basis of equitable geographical representation of the five subregions of the continent. The election will be followed by a short statement by the new Chairperson of the Committee.

3. Adoption of the draft agenda and programme of work

The Committee will be invited to adopt the draft agenda and programme of work.

4. Overview of recent economic and social developments in Africa

Under this item, the secretariat will present an overview of recent economic and social developments in Africa. The presentation will cover the current state of the global economy, overall growth performance in Africa, trends in social development in Africa, and the continent's economic prospects for 2008. This will be followed by a general discussion on the key policy issues highlighted in the presentation.

5. Assessment of progress on regional integration in Africa

During this session, the secretariat will present an assessment of the progress on regional integration in Africa. The presentation will be followed by a general discussion on key issues highlighted by the secretariat.

6. Follow-up to the last conferences

The Committee will consider and make recommendations on issues related to the last session of ECA's Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development. To inform this discussion, the secretariat will present the 2008 Annual Report on the work of ECA. The Committee will also consider and make recommendations on matters arising from the last session of the AU Conference of African Ministers of Economy and Finance (CAMEF II).

7. Follow-up to major AU and UN conferences and summits

Under this item of the agenda, the Committee will discuss matters arising from major AU and UN conferences and summits as well as progress made in the implementation of recommendations from these conferences and summits. The Secretariat will make presentations followed by discussions on the following topics: African Charter on Statistics ; Climate Change; Regional Review of Financing for Development; Review of Progress towards Achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Africa; and the Regional Review of the ECOSOC Annual Ministerial Review (AMR).

Thursday, 27 March

7. Follow-up to major AU and UN conferences and summits (Continued)

8. Sectoral policy issues

During this session, the secretariat will make presentations on sectoral policy issues, which will be followed by general discussions on the issues highlighted. The topics to be discussed include: Major trade issues (EPAs, Aid for Trade, etc); Statistics and statistical capacity building in Africa; Science and Technology for development; and United Nations system-wide support to AU and its NEPAD programme.

9. Statutory issues

Under this item, the secretariat will present the report of the external review of the African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (IDEP), and the proposed ECA Strategic Framework for the period 2010-2011. The IDEP report outlines the main findings of the review, as well as key recommendations related to Africa's current needs and appropriate follow-up measures for retooling the Institute. The presentation of ECA's Strategic Framework will provide the overall orientation of the Commission and its subprogrammes for the period 2010-2011.

Friday, 28 March

10. Presentation and discussion on the theme: Meeting Africa's New Challenges in the 21 st Century

During this session, the secretariat will make a presentation on the theme: Meeting Africa's New Challenges in the 21 st Century. The presentation will be followed by general discussion on the theme. Key issues to be addressed include Growth and Employment, which remains key to improving the human condition in Africa; Climate Change, which could present a significant risk to Africa including in areas such as food security, housing and settlement patterns; Governance and the Capable State, especially the weak capability of the State to provide essential social services, prevent leakages of financial resources, and create an environment conducive to growth and development. The discussion is also envisaged to address the n ew dynamics in globalization, including recent trends in trade negotiations and the emergence of new global economic actors. The session is expected to reach consensus on the policy measures that African countries could consider in meeting the new challenges of the 21 st Century.

11. Any other business

The Committee may wish to consider any other matter that may be brought to its attention.

Saturday, 29 March

12. Consideration and adoption of the draft report and draft resolutions of the Committee of Experts

The Committee will consider and adopt a report of its meeting, including resolutions.

13. Closing of the meeting

The AU Commissioner for Economic Affairs, and the UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA will make closing remarks, and the Chairperson of the Bureau of the Committee of Experts will wrap-up the meeting.