Draft Provisional Agenda - Conference of Ministers

  1. Opening of the Conference and Commemoration of ECA's 50 th Anniversary

  2. Presidential reflections

  3. High-level thematic debate

  4. Election of the Bureau

  5. Adoption of the draft agenda and programme of work

  6. Ministerial policy debate on the theme: Meeting Africa's New Challenges in the 21 st Century

  7. Ministerial panel discussion on topical social and economic issues

  8. Regional review of Financing for Development

  9. Regional review of the ECOSOC Annual Ministerial Review (AMR)

  10. Consideration of the report and major recommendations of the meeting of the Committee of Experts of the Joint Annual Meetings of the AU Conference of Ministers of Economy and Finance and ECA Conference of African Ministers of Finance, Planning and Economic Development

  11. Any other business

  12. Consideration and adoption of the draft Ministerial Declaration and draft resolutions

  13. Closing of the Conference