

Objectives of the Ninth African Development Forum

The overall objective of the Forum is to promote sustainable development financing and propose options for innovative financing for economic transformation in Africa. The Forum will
focus on policy options and strategies for mobilizing domestic resources by strengthening new partnerships for national development.

The specific objectives of the Forum are to:
(a) Discuss and present recommendations on traditional and innovative strategies to broaden the national tax base and better utilize domestic streams of capital to achieve socioeconomic transformation in Africa;
(b) Suggest measures to address regulatory and institutional issues affecting the mobilization of domestic resources in Africa;
(c) Deliberate on the challenges that the mismanagement and misunderstanding of illicit financial flows pose to Africa’s development, and offer alternatives that can best support the financing of the continent;
(d) Identify priority actions and mechanisms for better and transparent harnessing of natural resource revenue for development;
(e) Discuss the role of the public sector in promoting private equity investments and private sector financing, and explore the barriers to successful public-private partnerships for finance and capacity development in Africa;
(f) Make suggestions on sovereign wealth fund strategies for resource mobilization, through feasible and plausible schemes such as sovereign wealth enterprises and the Strategic Development Sovereign Wealth Fund;
(g) Develop policy options to improve Africa’s access to global climate finance and capitalize on innovative domestic climate finance opportunities;
(h) Identify the roles of various stakeholders for best practices in mobilizing resources within the continent.