Geological and Mineral Information System (GMIS) Strategy: Meeting Report, Cape Town, South Africa, 24-26 August 2016

The GMIS Strategy was proposed by the AMDC to facilitate the strengthening of the African production, management and dissemination of geological and mineral information (GMI) in connection with the implementation of the African Mining Vision (AMV) and the domestication of the
Country Mining Vision (CMV). It consists of GSOs, universities, and other national and sub-national agencies with geological functions, the private sector and civil society groups that generate, hold or use geological information, along with Regional Economic Communities (RECs), centres of excellence and other international institutions and initiatives that undertake or support the generation, management or sharing of geological information. Together with these entities, their activities and their data form a Pan-African geological and information system.
The Strategy is expected to serve as a guide for the AMDC and its implementing partners to provide strategic operational support for AU Members States and their Geological Survey Organizations (GSOs) and centres of excellence to improve GMIS, which will encourage investment across the whole mineral value chain, facilitate price discovery for governments, support decision-making in contract negotiations and mining development, and facilitate broad development processes. It is also planned to coordinate, set direction, create alignment, build commitment, promote collaboration, establish trust, mobilize supporters, and facilitate activities from different GMIS initiatives in the continent.