Policy Guidance: Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining Policy Guidance for the Country Mining Vision

This Guidance Note is a reference framework for the development of an Artisanal and Small-scale Mining (ASM) Policy that is aligned to the aspirations of the Africa Mining Vision (AMV).
“… Harnesses the potential of artisanal and small-scale mining to stimulate local/national entrepreneurship, improve livelihoods and advance integrated rural social and economic development …” AMV, 2009
“A viable and sustainable ASM sector that contributes to growth and development.” AMV Action Plan (2013)
In Africa, the number of people associated with ASM activities is estimated to be more than 9 million and about 50% of these are women (Hayes, 2008).
There are many reasons why the rural poor end up in ASM. These include historic traditional practices, seasonal income augmentation, and coping strategies for economic shock resulting from amongst other things drought,