Call for Abstracts and Proposals for Other Forms of Participations

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“The Africa We Want: Achieving socioeconomic transformation through inclusive and equitable access to land by the youth.”




 14 – 17 November 2017







The Land Policy Initiative (LPI) is a joint initiative of the African Union Commission, the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, and the African Development Bank. The LPI proposes to host the Second Bi-Annual Conference on Land Policy in Africa, which will be a policy and learning event. Its goal will be to deepen capacity for land policy in Africa through improved access to knowledge and information on land policymaking and implementation. The 2017 Conference on Land Policy in Africa will be hosted by the LPI from 14 to 17 November 2017, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The theme of the November 2017 Land Policy Conference is:  “The Africa We Want: Achieving socioeconomic transformation through inclusive and equitable access to land by the youth.”Cognizant of the Africa Agenda 2063 and the 2030 global agenda for Sustainable Development, this theme was selected to support the declaration of 2017 by the African Union as the year of youth under the theme Harnessing Africa’s Demographic Dividend through Investment in Youth”.     

The Conference is intended to have a catalytic effect on evidence based land policy development and implementation by creating space for presenting research, and other evidence by Africans and other interested stakeholders. Conference participants will therefore include governments, parliamentarians, farmers, researchers, civil society, private sector, land practitioners (surveyors, mapping companies, administrators), and donors. The format of the Conference will include plenary and parallel sessions, dialogue and roundtable discussions, side events, exhibitions, and the use of social media in order to reach a broader audience, including youth. It will also provide a platform for showcasing emerging and promising practices, networking among land experts and land professionals, facilitating dialogue leading to practical follow up or Joint Actions on key strategic areas in Africa. 

The organizers of the Conference now invite the submission of abstracts of papers, and of other forms of participation in the Conference under following categories and sub-themes: 


  1. Conference papers

  2. Roundtable and Dialogue Sessions

  3. Training and Capacity Building Master Classes

  4. Posters, Exhibitions and Side events


 Africa Centred Sub-themes: ALIGNMENT with land governance

  1. Strengthening land governance and administrative institutions both at the local and national levels including the adoption of technology and innovations for securing land rights under different tenure regimes;

  2. Empowerment of youth through strengthening their land rights;

  3. Women’s land access rights and gender equality – addressing persisting bottlenecks;

  4. Inclusive, transparent and sustainable land based investments, economic justice and environmental management or monitoring;

  5. Migration, radicalization and violent extremism – linkages to youth employment, entrepreneurship and access to land for investment;

  6. Rapid urbanization, land use and spatial planning policy and development control;

  7. Planning, monitoring and evaluation experiences and emerging best practices in developing and implementing land policies (rural and urban).


 Abstracts are particularly welcome if they address one or more of the following transcending themes:

  1. Youth land rights

  2. Women's land rights and gender equality

  3. Land degradation, access to water and climate change

  4. Human rights and food security.

Abstracts of no more than 800 words and any requests for further information should be submitted to with a copy to and Abstracts may be submitted in English or French, and must include institutional affiliation for all co-authors and full contact information for the presenting (co)author, according to the attached template. Please note that the deadline is 4 August, 2017. Late abstracts will not be accepted. 

How abstracts will be selected

The organizers envisage a tremendous level of interest in the Conference, and that more abstracts will be received than can be accommodated. The selection of papers, posters, and exhibitions for presentation at the Conference will therefore be conducted by a Scientific Committee appointed by the LPI. The Committee consists of highly respected land policy experts. Selection of abstracts will be in accordance with the following process:

 1.1      Initial Selection

The Scientific Committee will shortlist and select abstracts based on the following criteria:

  • Quality of content, originality and innovation
  • Compliance with identified Conference themes and specified presentation format
  • Geographic coverage
  • Special consideration of submissions from African authors, youth and representatives of grassroots organizations.

Conditional acceptance of selected abstracts and invitations for extended submissions by 26 August, 2017. All correspondence will be conducted by e-mail.


  1. 2.      Final selection

Based on submissions, the deadline for completed papers is 22 September, 2017 and final selections and notification of authors and presenters will be made by the Scientific Committee no later than 12 October, 2017. The Scientific Committee cannot guarantee that the presentation type of choice will be granted to authors/presenters. The decision of the Scientific Committee is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

General Information

  • Authors who submit abstracts are not automatically registered for the November 2017 Conference on Land Policy. In order to participate and present authors must register for the Conference in the manner and by the dates detailed by organizers of the Conference.
  • There is no fee required to submit an abstract.
  • All submitting authors/presenters will be required to confirm the following:

ü  Agreement to the organizers’ terms and conditions.

ü  Intent to present the product at the November 2017 Conference on Land Policy  in person or by a listed co-author

  • Authors/presenters wishing to withdraw their abstracts are requested to do so by the dates specified by organizers of the Conference.

Publication of Papers

The Scientific Committee will select some papers from those presented at the Conference for publication as may be arranged by the organizers of the Conference. The Scientific Committee will provide authors of selected papers with recommendations on how selected papers may be refined for publication purposes.


Type of submission:  (please indicate which type of submission you wish to be considered for)

  • Conference papers
  • Roundtable and Dialogue Sessions
  • Training and Capacity Building Master Classes
  • Posters, Exhibitions and Side events

Conference theme:

Conference on Land Policy in Africa (CLPA-2017)

The Africa We Want: Achieving socioeconomic transformation through inclusive and equitable access to land by the youth. ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA



Abstract: (500 to 800 words)

For each author/co-author, provide the following:


Institutional affiliation:


For the presenting author/co-author, provide the following:

Mailing address:

Phone number:

Mobile number:


Please check the boxes below to indicate your agreement:

□   All coauthors agree to the organizers’ terms and conditions, as indicated in the call for papers.

□  I/we intend to present the product at the November 2017 Conference on Land Policy in person by a listed coauthor