Country Profiles 2016

Country Profiles is a series published annually by the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA). The aim of the series is to disseminate country- and region-specific policy analyses and recommendations for economic transformation, with an emphasis on promoting sustainable growth and social development, strengthening regional integration and facilitating development planning and economic governance. The present series is the result of the close collaboration of the subregional offices of ECA and the African Centre for Statistics. Specific contributions were provided by relevant programme areas of ECA, in particular, the Macroeconomic Policy Division, the Regional Integration and Trade Division, and the Social Development and Policy Division.
- Central Africa: Central African Republic - Equatorial Guinea [Spanish] – Gabon - Chad
- East Africa: Burundi - Djibouti - Madagascar - Somalia
- North Africa: Algeria [Arabic] - Mauritania [Arabic] - Tunisia [Arabic]
- Southern Africa: Angola - Malawi - Mauritius - Mozambique - South Africa - Swaziland
- West Africa: Cabo Verde - The Gambia – Ghana - Nigeria
Click here for the Launch page of Country Profiles 2016