About Macroeconomic Policy

The Macroeconomic and Governance Division (MGD) is headed by a Director and reports to the Deputy Executive Secretary (Programme). The Division is responsible for supporting African member States in their efforts to accelerate economic transformation and inclusive growth through effective development planning, improved macroeconomic management and economic governance as well as better mobilization and allocation of domestic and international public finance. It is divided into three main sections: Macroeconomic Analysis; Development Planning; and Economic Governance and Public Finance.
The core functions of the Division are as follows:
a) Assisting member States in forecasting and macroeconomic analysis and in the design, implementation and monitoring of development plans and strategies to promote inclusive growth, sustainable development and structural transformation;
b) Assisting member States in mobilizing development financing, both domestic and international public resources and in adopting improved economic governance, public sector management and service delivery strategies for sustainable development;
c) Contributing to the formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of economic governance policies and programmes of member States;
d) Supporting accelerated economic transformation that is inclusive and gender-sensitive, strengthening the capacity of member States in the areas of development planning, macroeconomic analysis and economic governance and public finance;
e) Strengthening policy analysis and evidence-based policymaking;
f) Strengthening the follow-up and review of regional and global development frameworks;
g) Facilitating the design of an effective institutional architecture of member States;
h) Strengthening the forecasting of key development indicators;
i) Generating and disseminating cutting-edge knowledge products;
j) Promoting policies and programmes aimed at enhancing efficient and participatory public-sector management;
k) Providing direct technical support to the African Peer Review Mechanism process in order to foster African ownership and leadership of the African development agenda;
l) Overseeing the work of the Illicit Financial Flows team and all other internal and external governance related work conducted by the commission.