Annual Report on Assuring Quality at the Economic Commission for Africa 2015

The present report examines the function of quality assurance at the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) in 2015, focusing on the results achieved, challenges encountered, lessons learned and future prospects, including anticipated risks. ECA made impressive strides in 2015 in strengthening its quality assurance function, particularly as it rolled out the Operational Quality Policy and Plan 2014-2017. That Policy and Plan, as well as the conceptual framework for the ECA quality assurance manual and procedures for quality reviews of ECA country profiles, were all endorsed by the Results-Based and Operational Quality Sounding Board and approved by the Senior Management Team. In the period under consideration, quality reviews were successfully undertaken of 21 country profiles, the performance management dashboard, the ECA programme performance report for the biennium 2014-2015 and the ECA draft strategic framework for the biennium 2018-2019. Quality assurance procedures for other products and services are being prepared and will be finalized in 2016.