
Caucus of African Central Bank Governors
3 April 2016
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


Inaugurated in March 2015, the Caucus of African Central Banks Governors provides a unique platform for governors to engage in structured dialogue on tackling common issues in facilitating Africa’s transformation agenda.

With the recent rapid and sustained decline in commodity prices; monetary and exchange rate policy is firmly back in the spotlight. Central Banks across the region are re-examining their options on strategic approaches to maintaining macroeconomic stability, whilst continuing to support national transformation agendas. These developments on the global financial scene provide further rationale for the continued contribution of the Caucus to the development debate.


This meeting is by invitation only. Time: 09:00-15:00, Venue: CR5, 3rd April 2015

For further information please contact:

Ms. Matfobhi RIBA 
Tel: +251-11 544 3314   +251-11 544 3314

Ms. Uzumma ERUME 
Tel: +251-11 544 5024   +251-11 544 5024