Couverture médiatique sur la CEA - Articles en vedette

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9 Décembre 2019
L’Agence française de développement et la Commission économique pour l’Afrique signent un Protocole d’accord de collaboration. Par cet accord, les deux institutions comptent travailler ensemble dans des domaines comme la recherche liée à l’Afrique, la migration, le genre, le changement climatique.
9 Décembre 2019
Kigali: L’Agence française de développement (AFD) – représentée par son PDG Rémy Rioux – et la Commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA) – représentée par sa Secrétaire exécutive, Vera Songwe ont signé aujourd’hui un Protocole d’accord entre les deux institutions.
9 Décembre 2019
President Paul Kagame says the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) which is expected to be fully operationalized next year should not just be about trade alone but it should rather integrate the continent in other areas such as education and other linkages beyond trade.
9 Décembre 2019
Over the course of two days, Pan-African Trade experts will meet to validate the methodology to produce the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Country Business Index at the United Nations Conference Centre in Addis Ababa.
9 Décembre 2019
The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) on Monday urged African countries to carefully develop country business index to effectively realize the promises made under the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement (AfCFTA).
9 Décembre 2019
La ZLECA, associée à la mise en place de mesures de facilitation des échanges, pourrait augmenter le commerce industriel sous-régional d’environ 70%.
9 Décembre 2019
The Seychelles, a small island nation that is fighting climate change from all angles, is hosting the second annual retreat of the Addis Ababa-based African Permanent Representatives and the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA).
9 Décembre 2019
Les Ambassadeurs Représentants Permanents auprès de la Commission Économique des Nations Unies pour l’Afrique (CEA-ONU), tiennent, lundi et mardi aux Seychelles, leur réunion annuelle consacrée au changement climatique, sous la présidence du Maroc.
8 Décembre 2019
Daily Monitor - Ethiopa
7 Décembre 2019
Pursuant to an agreement signed between the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to renovate the symbolic Africa Hall, the government of Ethiopia has granted an additional plot of 3,100 square meters of land to incorporate the renovation and preservation of the Africa Hall together with the ongoing Beautifying Sheger Project.
7 Décembre 2019
The French Development Agency (AFD) - represented by its CEO Rémy Rioux - and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) - represented by its Executive Secretary, Vera Songwe today signed a memoranda of understanding between the two institutions. With this MoU, AFD and ECA confirmed their wish to work more closely together on research areas related to Africa and some of its key...
7 Décembre 2019
The government has allocated an additional plot of 3,100Sqm of land to be incorporated in the renovation of the Africa Hall together with the ongoing Beautifying Sheger Project. The agreement was signed between the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa's Executive Secretary, Vera Songwe (PhD.), and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Gedu Andargachew.
7 Décembre 2019
French Development Agency and Addis Abeba-based UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) have agreed to work more closely together on looking into major challenges of Africa.
7 Décembre 2019
Ethiopia and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) have signed agreement for land donation for the renovation of the historic Africa hall. The agreement was signed today by Ethiopian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gedu Andargachew, and Executive Secretary of ECA, Dr. Vera Songwe.
7 Décembre 2019
Ethiopia and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) have signed agreement for the renovation of the historic Africa hall.The agreement was signed on Friday by Ethiopian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gedu Andargachew, and Executive Secretary of ECA, Dr. Vera Songwe.
7 Décembre 2019
Despite Africa’s progress in fulfilling the promises of developing the Information and Communications Technologies (ICTs) sector and creating an enabling ecosystem for digital economy, the continent still lags behind the rest of the world, African experts and policymakers attending a high-level ICT-themed meeting said on Saturday.
7 Décembre 2019
La Zone de libre-échange est au coeur des travaux de la 13e édition du Colloque International de Rabat, initié par la Commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA), la Chaire OMC de l’Université Mohamed V de Rabat et leurs partenaires. ouvert aussi bien aux professionnels qu’aux jeunes chercheurs travaillant cette problématique, le colloque se penchera ainsi sur la Zone de libre-échange continentale...
7 Décembre 2019
Africa must work as one to turn the continent’s ‘youth bulge’ into opportunities, delegates at the closing of the 2019 African Economic Conference said on Wednesday.
7 Décembre 2019
7 Décembre 2019
