Couverture médiatique sur la CEA - Articles en vedette

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24 Janvier 2020
La Commission économique pour l'Afrique des Nations Unies (CEA) a organisé jeudi à Gaborone, la capitale du Botswana, un dialogue politique de haut niveau sur la réforme agraire et la transformation socioéconomique, notamment en Afrique australe.
24 Janvier 2020
La Commission économique pour l'Afrique des Nations Unies (CEA) a organisé jeudi à Gaborone, la capitale du Botswana, un dialogue politique de haut niveau sur la réforme agraire et la transformation socioéconomique, notamment en Afrique australe.
23 Janvier 2020
Labour migration is a global phenomenon. Many states are now countries of origin, transit and destination for migrant workers. It’s for this reason that the UN’s sustainable development goals (SDG) target 8.8 calls on member countries to “Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers, including migrant workers, in particular, women migrants, and those in...
23 Janvier 2020
Last week, the Africa Growth Initiative at Brookings launched its annual Foresight Africa publication. This year’s special edition highlights the accomplishments of past years and strategies for the upcoming decade, 2020-2030. The sixth chapter, Bolstering Africa’s role in the global economy: The importance of regional integration, explores the new commercial and diplomatic opportunities Africa...
23 Janvier 2020
President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo on Monday, at the 2020 Ghana Investment and Opportunities Summit in London, renewed his call on African nations to commit greater zeal and resources to trading among themselves.
23 Janvier 2020
The African Union has adopted the Lamu Port-South Sudan-Ethiopia-Transport (Lapsset) corridor project.
22 Janvier 2020
The Lamu Port-South Sudan-Ethiopia-Transport (Lapsset) corridor project got its biggest boost yet after it was adopted as an African Union project.
22 Janvier 2020
The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) on Tuesday urged African policymakers to exert concerted efforts in augmenting access to land for the continent’s women, youth and other marginalized groups.
22 Janvier 2020
Zimbabwe is ready to host the Sixth Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (ARFSD) Minister said.
22 Janvier 2020
Zimbabwe is ready to host the Sixth Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (ARFSD) that will be held in Victoria Falls from 24 to 27 February under the theme ‘2030-2030: A Decade to Deliver a Transformed and Prosperous Africa through the 2030 Agenda and Agenda 2063.”
22 Janvier 2020
On the heels of the first UK-Africa Investment Summit, hosted by the UK Prime Minister and attended by over 20 African Heads of State, TradeMark East Africa (TMEA) is pleased to announce it is signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Overseas Development Institute (ODI).
22 Janvier 2020
Le secrétariat permanent de la Zone de libre-échange continentale africaine (ZLECA ), basé à Accra, sera opérationnel en mars prochain, a affirmé le président ghanéen, Nana Akufo Addo.
22 Janvier 2020
Malgré les progrès réalisés dans la mise en œuvre des Agendas 2030 et 2063, les évaluations disponibles ont montré que la plupart des pays africains ne sont pas en mesure d’atteindre les ODD et les objectifs de l’Agenda 2063 dans le délai imparti, a soutenu M. Sizo Mhlanga, Chef des initiatives sous régionales au Bureau de la CEA pour l’Afrique australe.
22 Janvier 2020
Prolonged trade disputes and wide-ranging policy uncertainties have catapulted the world economy into a significant and broad-based deterioration in 2019. This threatens to hamper efforts to reduce poverty, create decent jobs, broaden access to affordable and clean energy, and achieve many other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
22 Janvier 2020
La Commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA) et le Gouvernement du Zimbabwe ont signé ce mercredi, un accord en vue de la préparation du sixième Forum régional africain pour le développement durable (FRADD) que Harare organise, à Victoria Falls, du 24 au 27 février 2020.
21 Janvier 2020
The rapid increase in youth population in Africa is becoming a challenge rather than an opportunity for economic growth. This is because many of the out-of-school youths are jobless, and as their frustration with the society grows, so also their propensity to commit crime.
21 Janvier 2020
Zimbabwe is ready to host the Sixth Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (ARFSD) that will be held in Victoria Falls from 24 to 27 February under the theme ‘2020-2030: A Decade to Deliver a Transformed and Prosperous Africa through the 2030 Agenda and Agenda 2063.”
21 Janvier 2020
Way forward. First, the country’s Legislative Action Plan on Road Safety need to be fast-tracked, along with sufficient funding to embark on mass education with a view to behaviour change by all road users.
21 Janvier 2020
Zimbabwe is ready to host the Sixth Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (ARFSD) that will be held in Victoria Falls from 24 to 27 February under the theme ‘2030-2030: A Decade to Deliver a Transformed and Prosperous Africa through the 2030 Agenda and Agenda 2063.”
21 Janvier 2020
Zimbabwe is ready to host the Sixth Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (ARFSD) that will be held in Victoria Falls from 24 to 27 February under the theme ‘2030-2030: A Decade to Deliver a Transformed and Prosperous Africa through the 2030 Agenda and Agenda 2063.”
21 Janvier 2020
The UK is an important investor across Africa. Projected population and economic growth across the continent, as well as a high regard for British products, heighten the prospects of future UK investment.
20 Janvier 2020
Le Sommet sur l’investissement entre le Royaume-Uni et l’Afrique est une occasion unique pour accroître les possibilités d’investissement et les perspectives d’échanges commerciaux entre les deux parties, a indiqué la Banque africaine de développement (BAD).
20 Janvier 2020
Boris Johnson is hosting 54 African heads of state or government in London. The move comes as the U.K. prepares for post-Brexit dealings with the world.
20 Janvier 2020
New opportunities for bi-lateral trade and increasing UK investor appetite in Africa will be the main focus of the UK-Africa summit, convened by Prime Minister Boris Johnson, which kicks off today in London.
20 Janvier 2020
Government and the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) last week signed an agreement for the hosting of the forthcoming Sixth Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development (ARFSD) in Victoria Falls at the end of next month.
