Couverture médiatique sur la CEA - Articles en vedette

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31 Janvier 2017
Mr Guterres said this at a Town Hall meeting with UN staff in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He noted that the success of the UN worldwide was linked to its success in Africa, especially in terms of the UN’s development, peace and security policies, according to the release.
30 Janvier 2017
President Uhuru Kenyatta today declared the 26th APRM forum a success for having a historic number of countries reviewed.
29 Janvier 2017
Reform is a hot topic at this week’s AU Summit, but recommendations to change the organisation have floundered before.
28 Janvier 2017
Africa needs to address governance, democracy, peace and security issues as prerequisites for its development, Economic Commission for Africa’s Acting Executive Secretary, Mr. Abdalla Hamdok said Wednesday.
28 Janvier 2017
The UN Women has called for policies and strategies to help Africa ensure women’s economic empowerment in the changing world of work.
27 Janvier 2017
La Secrétaire exécutive adjointe de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA), Giovanie Biha, a exhorté jeudi, à l’ouverture de la réunion ministérielle africaine pré-consultative sur la 61ème Commission de la condition de la femme à Addis-Abeba, en Ethiopie, les gouvernements africains à appliquer la Convention sur l’élimination de toutes les formes de discrimination à l’égard des femmes et...
27 Janvier 2017
The Africa Ministerial Pre-Consultative Meeting on the 61st Commission on the Status of Women (CSW 61st) on the theme “Women’s economic empowerment in the changing world of work” opened in Addis Ababa Thursday with Deputy Executive Secretary Giovanie Biha of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) urging Africa to repeal legislation that discriminate against women and girls.
25 Janvier 2017
Africa today is challenged by potent global trends calling for the member states to strengthen their solidarity, most notably the international rise of the far-right, said African Union Commission Chairwoman Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma Wednesday.
25 Janvier 2017
Foreign Ministers of the African Union (AU) member states met Wednesday at the AU headquarters in Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa for the 30th ordinary session of the AU Executive Council held under the framework of the 28th AU summit.
25 Janvier 2017
Africa needs to look inward for opportunities to boost trade, says the UNECA executive secretary.
24 Janvier 2017
The meeting was attended by experts from several Think Tanks, research and academic institutions from within and outside Africa including members of Staff from UNECA and other UN organizations.
24 Janvier 2017
In its quest to help Africa deal with challenges it is facing regarding trade policy issues, the African Centre for Trade Policy (ATCP) of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA, recently trained officials from African Member States on how to formulate suitable evidence-based trade policies as countries seek to structurally transform their economies.
21 Janvier 2017
L’économie bleue, c’est 90% des échanges commerciaux entre les Etats à travers le monde. C’est également 95% des communications mondiales. Et à y bien regarder, c’est une économie qui possède tous les atouts pour séduire Madagascar. Car partout où elle est implantée durablement, l’économie maritime est axée sur des valeurs fondamentales. Par exemple l’entreprenariat social, le développement de l...
19 Janvier 2017
L'industrialisation verte, le passeport panafricain, les effets du Brexit sur les économies africaines, ainsi que les élections dans le continent et autres, sont autant de thèmes abordés par la revue de l'ONU AfriqueRenouveau, dans son dernier numéro, qui met en exergue les potentialités de l'Afrique.
19 Janvier 2017
THE PHILIPPINES is expected to remain among Asia’s fastest-growing economies at least up to next year, according to estimates released yesterday by the United Nations (UN) that nevertheless showed the country also with among the highest unemployment rates, underlining the need to make sure economic expansion generates more jobs and lifts more people out of poverty.
18 Janvier 2017
International experts, ambassadors, high officials and entrepreneurs gathered in Dakar in December for the launch of ‘16 infrastructure projects for African integration'. This document is an investors' guidebook produced by the Economic Commission for Africa and the NEPAD Agency.
18 Janvier 2017
Open data can help create more than $3 billion a year of value in seven areas of the global. This is according to African Centre for Statistics Director Oliver Chinganya in who was speaking on behalf of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa at the UN World Data Forum in Cape Town.
18 Janvier 2017
L'un des axes routiers qui symbolisent les échanges entre le Maghreb et l'Afrique subsaharienne pourrait être prêt cette année. Selon le Premier ministre algérien, Abdelmalek Sellal, les travaux de l'axe transsaharien Alger-Lagos devraient être achevés avant la fin de 2017 avec la réalisation du dernier tronçon qui traversera le Niger.
17 Janvier 2017
A modest global recovery is projected for 2017-18 should be seen as more of an indication of economic stabilization than a signal of a robust and sustained revival of global demand, a new United Nations economic report has found.
17 Janvier 2017
Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) Commissioner General, Elfrieda Stewart Tamba says the illicit flow of money from Africa is overwhelming.
16 Janvier 2017
Just three years ago, most of the world’s fastest-growing economies were in Africa, among them Angola, Chad, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda and Sierra Leone. A middle class was emerging, led by young, tech-savvy entrepreneurs who bought flashy cars, new houses and the latest smartphones.
16 Janvier 2017
Le Premier ministre algérien, Abdelamalek Sellal, a fait une grosse annonce lors du 27ème sommet Afrique-France, à Bamako, au Mali.
16 Janvier 2017
For more than 10 years many African countries have borrowed intensely from the international capital market amid the continent's continued economic growth. However, some African countries' debt loads are worsening and signs of a debt crisis have emerged, due to a decline in major commodity prices, the sluggish eurozone economy and China's economic slowdown. Meanwhile, African...
15 Janvier 2017
Ce week-end, lors du 27ème sommet Afrique-France à Bamako, le premier ministre algérien Abdelmalek Sellal a annoncé que les travaux de l'axe routier transsaharien Alger-Lagos devraient être achevés dans cette année 2017, avec la réalisation du dernier tronçon qui traversera le Niger. Cette route devrait favoriser l'intégration économique entre le Maghreb et l'Afrique noire.
12 Janvier 2017
East African Community (EAC) states cannot collectively or individually afford to neglect the development of their manufacturing sector, a UN official has said.
