Couverture médiatique sur la CEA - Articles en vedette

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22 Juin 2020
Africa is about to roll out a groundbreaking mobile based public communications platform to provide more than 600 million users across the continent with the latest public health advice.UN Economic Commission for Africa on Friday said the Africa Communications Information Platform (ACIP) will also furnish national and regional COVID task forces with user generated survey data and actionable...
22 Juin 2020
December 17th, 2010 has found its way into the sacred books of history. For many of us, waking up alive and healthy presented us with another opportunity to go about our daily routines. However, in Tunisia, a frustrated street vendor Mohammed Bouazizi set himself ablaze in a one-man protest against an arbitrary seizure of his vegetable stand by police over failure to produce a permit.
22 Juin 2020
African countries have pulled together to set up a one-stop shop to give the continent a fairer chance in the international scramble for Covid-19 test kits, protective equipment and any vaccines that emerge.
21 Juin 2020
La pandémie du coronavirus a durablement impacté la vie des artistes. Le monde des spectacles et les grands rassemblements culturels ont été annulés (festivals, concerts, etc.). C’est dans ce contexte, que se célèbre la fête de la musique 2020.
21 Juin 2020
Another major African airline, South African Airways, hasn’t been profitable since 2011 and has been under bankruptcy protection since December. Tired of issuing bailouts, the government is demanding a new business plan.
21 Juin 2020
The creative industries constitute an important lever for economic diversification in Central Africa and can help countries of the sub-region build back better in a post-COVID-19 dispensation, said the Head of ECA’s Office for Central Africa – Antonio Pedro – to a range of actors from across Francophone Africa who attended a virtual conference dubbed “ResiliArt”.
21 Juin 2020
The creative industries constitute an important lever for economic diversification in Central Africa and can help countries of the sub-region build back better in a post-COVID-19 dispensation, said the Head of ECA's Office for Central Africa - Antonio Pedro - to a range of actors from across Francophone Africa who attended a virtual conference dubbed "ResiliArt".
21 Juin 2020
Access Bank Plc, Stanbic IBTC Bank Limited, Zenith Bank Plc, Dangote Group, MTN Nigerian Communications Plc are backing an initiative by Aigboje Aig-Imoukhuede in collaboration with the Private Sector Health Alliance of Nigeria (PSHAN) geared towards significantly improving Nigeria’s healthcare system at the grassroots level.
20 Juin 2020
Since President Trump announced at the end of May that he was “terminating” U.S. support for the World Health Organization (WHO), analysts have been trying to parse out the consequences. Is the U.S. formally withdrawing from the WHO, which would require a year’s advance notice and payment of back dues? Will Trump's decision help or hurt China’s global clout? Some experts argue it will...
20 Juin 2020
We have been presented the opportunity to reimagine and redesign our society into a vibrant and equitable one COVID-19 has unearthed massive inequalities within our societies and brought to glaring light the unique burdens that women carry the world over.
20 Juin 2020
Africa is about to roll out a groundbreaking mobile based public communications platform to provide more than 600 million users across the continent with the latest public health advice. The Africa Communications Information Platform will also furnish national and regional COVID task forces with user generated survey data and actionable health and economic insights.
20 Juin 2020
On Wednesday June 17 the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) stated that it is thrusting for an industrial and economic diversification master plan covering all 11 countries of the Central African sub-region.
20 Juin 2020
Les plateformes d’information ont un rôle capital dans la lutte contre la pandémie. C’est pourquoi la Commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA) annonce le lancement d’une plateforme d’information qui va fournir des conseils de santé publique sur la pandémie de Covid-19 à plus de 600 millions d’usagers du téléphonie mobile.
20 Juin 2020
La Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l’Afrique (CEA-ONU) et ses partenaires vont lancer mardi la plate-forme africaine d’information basée sur la téléphonie mobile pour fournir à plus de 600 millions d’utilisateurs à travers le continent les derniers conseils de santé publique.
20 Juin 2020
La Commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA) annonce le lancement, mardi prochain, d’une plateforme d’information qui va fournir des conseils de santé publique sur la pandémie de Covid-19 à plus de 600 millions d’usagers du téléphonie mobile.
20 Juin 2020
La plate-forme africaine d’information basée sur la téléphonie mobile sera lancée ce mardi par la Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l’Afrique (CEA-ONU) et ses partenaires.
20 Juin 2020
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) along with Africa CDC and other partners will launch the Africa Communication Information Platform (ACIP) in response to COVID-19 pandemic.
20 Juin 2020
Africa is about to roll out a groundbreaking mobile-based public communications platform to provide more than 600 million users across the continent with the latest public health advice. The Africa Communications Information Platform will also furnish national and regional COVID task forces with user-generated survey data and actionable health and economic insights.
19 Juin 2020
“COVID-19 has enabled us to explore new platforms and ways of identifying people,” said Vera Songwe, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, ECA, who suggested that digital platforms such as Facebook, Google could help “change the way we do censuses, identify, and locate people.”
19 Juin 2020
Le bureau sous-régional de la CEA pour l’Afrique australe (BSR-AA) a organisé une réunion virtuelle des partenaires, le 17 juin 2020, pour commencer la mise en œuvre de la 12ème tranche du projet du Compte de développement des Nations Unies (UNDA).
19 Juin 2020
FOUR global women leaders have urged African leaders to use the opportunities of the COVID-19 pandemic to reimagine and redesign the continent into a vibrant and equitable one.
19 Juin 2020
L'Afrique est sur le point de déployer une plate-forme de communication publique révolutionnaire basée sur la téléphonie mobile afin de fournir à plus de 600 millions d'utilisateurs à travers le continent les derniers conseils de santé publique.
19 Juin 2020
African leaders have lauded the launch of the continent's first medical supplies platform as the "jewel in the crown of Pan-African cooperation".
19 Juin 2020
Plusieurs stratégies sont mises en avant pour endiguer la propagation de la pandémie du coronavirus ou Covid-19. La Commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA) pour sa part, propose la planification et la gestion urbaines pour une résilience à long terme. C’est la proposition fait faite par un nouveau rapport de la CEA transmis à la presse mercredi 17 juin 2020.
19 Juin 2020
COVID-19 has brought Africa’s debt problems into sharp focus. A temporary suspension of debt payments to foreign governments is a good start, but does not go nearly far enough, writes Liam Taylor in Kampala.
