Couverture médiatique sur la CEA - Articles en vedette

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17 Juillet 2017
Ethiopia's capital Addis Ababa has attracted over 650,000 tourists in the first three quarters of the just completed Ethiopian fiscal year, according to Addis Ababa city administration officials.
17 Juillet 2017
The regional workshop on securing community land rights continued in Accra, Ghana, Monday with Land Policy Initiative (LPI) Coordinator, Joan Kagwanja, saying better governance of land resources in Africa can catalyze growth and development and in the process help eradicate extreme poverty on the continent.
17 Juillet 2017
A three-day workshop on securing community land rights has opened in Accra, Ghana. The workshop is expected to bring together land commissions from across the African continent to exchange lessons on securing local communities and indigenous people’s land rights through statutory land tenure and its subsequent operationalisation.
17 Juillet 2017
A three-day Regional workshop on securing community land rights has opened in Accra with a call for comprehensive policies to guide the access, utilization and management of land resources within the various countries.
17 Juillet 2017
The inaugural edition of the Africa Data Revolution Report (ADRR 2016) will be launched on 19 July in Accra, Ghana, as part of activities marking the 2nd Africa Open Data Conference, which will take place from July 17 � 21, 2017.
17 Juillet 2017
Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) negotiations are moving in the right direction and at the desired pace, with the first phase of the negotiations expected to be concluded by the end of 2017, Coordinator of the African Trade Policy Centre (ATPC), David Luke said.
17 Juillet 2017
Announced in April by UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, Dr. Vera Songwe has become the first woman ever to head the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA). Headquartered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, UNECA is one of the UN’s five regional commissions, and was established in 1958 to encourage economic cooperation among the nations of the African continent. A prestigious position...
16 Juillet 2017
La route Transsaharienne entrera en service, en 2019. C’est le secrétaire général du Comite de liaison de la Transsaharienne (CLTR) qui l’a annoncé, hier au Forum Économie d’El Moudjahid. Les raisons du retard dans l’achèvement de ce projet stratégique qui unit six pays sont d’ordres sécuritaire et technique.
16 Juillet 2017
The Economic Commission for Africa, ECA, says the Continental Free Trade Area, CFTA, negotiations are moving in the right direction and while the first phase of the project is expected to be concluded by the end of 2017.
14 Juillet 2017
La Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l'Afrique (CEA) a réitéré la nécessité d'aborder la question de la connectivité limitée en Afrique pour stimuler le commerce intra-africain.
14 Juillet 2017
La Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l’Afrique a une nouvelle priorité : accroître les flux commerciaux intra-africains et inter-régionaux qui ne dépassent guère les 13% de l'ensemble des activités de commerce sur le continent. Pour faire aboutir cette décision dans les meilleurs délais, l’agence onusienne s’appuiera sur les termes de l'Accord de facilitation du commerce de l...
13 Juillet 2017
Ahmed Lahlimi Alami, Haut-commissaire au plan, a présenté, le 28 juin à Rabat, le programme du 61e Congrès mondial de statistiques qui se tiendra, du 16 au 21 juillet, à Marrakech. Organisé par le Royaume, en réponse à une demande de l’Institut international de statistique (IIS), le congrès sera l’occasion pour les participants d’échanger expériences et bonnes pratiques, ainsi que de faire valoir...
13 Juillet 2017
Growth in Burundi is low, due to the low productivity of the subsistence agriculture on which the majority of the population depends, reveals the analysis presented on 13 July in Bujumbura by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA).
12 Juillet 2017
The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa’s (ECA) Capacity Development Division (CDD) Director, Stephen Karingi, emphasizes the need to boost intra-African trade.
12 Juillet 2017
The UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has reiterated the need to address limited connectivity within Africa to boost intra-African trade.
12 Juillet 2017
Although poverty levels have been falling, Uganda is now ranked 17th among the countries with the highest level of income inequality in Africa, in a report published by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA).
11 Juillet 2017
(G20 - Hamburg 2017) Africa's development agenda is framedby the UN 2030 Agenda for SustainableDevelopment and the continent's widerdevelopment blueprint - Agenda 2063.Attaining the development objectives captured in these agenda cannot be done without responding appropriately to thechallenges and opportunities posed byclimate change; a new climate economyapproach is required - i.e. one...
11 Juillet 2017
Geneva — The Aid for Trade Global Review 2017 opened at the World Trade Organisation (WTO) headquarters in Geneva today with the Economic Commission for Africa's Capacity Development Division (CDD) Director, Stephen Karingi, emphasizing the need to boost intra-African trade.
11 Juillet 2017
July 2017: In preparation for the 2017 High-level Segment (HLS) of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the UN Secretary-General released a report on regional perspectives on efforts to eradicate poverty and reduce inequality as well as on regional perspectives on global migration as a contribution to the intergovernmental process towards a global compact on safe, orderly and regular...
10 Juillet 2017
Kigali last week hosted a two-day forum on tertiary education convened by the Sustainable Development Goals Centre for Africa. The summit evaluated the status of higher education on the continent which did not paint a very positive image.
10 Juillet 2017
Kigali last week hosted a two-day forum on tertiary education convened by the Sustainable Development Goals Centre for Africa. The summit evaluated the status of higher education on the continent which did not paint a very positive image.
10 Juillet 2017
Aid for trade (AfT) is explicitly addressed in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) under Goal 8: “Promotesustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.” For AfT to deliver on the ambitions of this goal in Africa, along with the objectives contained in the African Union’s (AU) long-term development vision and action plan, Agenda...
8 Juillet 2017
To better harness the potential of tourism to contribute to inclusive growth, as well as to structural transformation and achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, African countries had better adopted policies that strengthen intersectoral linkages, boost intraregional tourism and promote peace, experts said yesterday.
7 Juillet 2017
We know ‘Gbenga Sesan has signalled he will be leaving the leadership of Paradigm Initiative Nigeria after 10 years, and this is the tenth year, so perhaps this is a move in that direction.
7 Juillet 2017
ACADEMICS from Africa and beyond gathered in Kigali, this week, for a two-day high-level forum on quality of higher education on the continent.
