Couverture médiatique sur la CEA - Articles en vedette

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28 Juin 2019
It is critical that Africa develops its own manufacturing and research capacity, in particular its pharmaceutical industry, says Mr. Ali Mufuruki, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Infotech Investment Group and Vice Chair of the AfroChampions Club.
28 Juin 2019
The operation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) could increase the gross domestic product of member countries by 1% to 3%, according to the latest report of the UN Conference on Trade and Development published June 26.
28 Juin 2019
La Commission de l’Union européenne soutient pleinement l’Accord de libre-échange continentale africaine (ZLECA) et propose un paquet de 40 milliards d’euros destiné à attirer des investissements permettant de créer au moins 10 millions d’emplois en Afrique.
28 Juin 2019
The European Union Commission fully supports the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) and is proposing a 40 billion Euro package to attract investments that would create at least 10 million jobs in Africa.
28 Juin 2019
L’Union européenne (UE) envisage d’accorder près de 40 milliards d’euros de financement aux pays africains, sur sept ans. C’est ce qu’a annoncé Ranieri Sabatucci, Ambassadeur de l’Union européenne près l’Union africaine, cette semaine, à Addis-Abeba.
28 Juin 2019
La zone de libre-échange continentale africaine (ZLECAF) devrait permettre aux pays membres de voir leur PIB progresser de 1 % à 3 % une fois tous les droits de douane supprimés, selon le rapport 2019 publié par la Conférence des Nations unies pour le commerce et le développement (CNUCED).
28 Juin 2019
Le Centre d’Information des Nations Unies, le Bureau de la Commission Economique pour l’Afrique du Nord des Nations Unies et la Bourse de Casablanca ont procédé, lors d’une conférence de presse, au lancement du rapport annuel de la Conférence des Nations Unies sur le Commerce et le Développement (CNUCED), sur le développement économique en Afrique 2019: «Made in Africa: règles d’origine, un...
28 Juin 2019
« Comme l’a souligné le Président de la Commission de l’Union européenne, M. Juncker, dans son discours sur l’état de l’Union en septembre dernier, faisant référence à la ZLECA, il espère que la perspective à long terme consiste à créer un accord global de libre-échange de continent à continent entre l’UE et l’Afrique », dit-il.
28 Juin 2019
Ambassador Ranieri Sabatucci, the EU Ambassador to the African Union, on Friday revealed that the European Union Commission is proposing a 40 billion Euro package to attract investments that will create at least 10 million jobs in Africa.
28 Juin 2019
In pursuit of a single customs union across the CEMAC and ECCAS community spaces in Central Africa, a consolidated proposal of a single common external tariff (CET) for both communities has been presented to all 11 member States of the subregion for reviews that would lead to adoption and implementation of the CET.
28 Juin 2019
The European Union Commission has proposed a 40 billion Euros package to attract investments that would create at least 10 million jobs in Africa.
28 Juin 2019
The European Union Commission proposes a 40 billion Euro package to attract investments that would create at least 10 million jobs in Africa, its ambassador to African Union says.
27 Juin 2019
The executive secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) has classified the hidden debt crisis in Mozambique as a criminal case that could have been avoided if there were public procurement transparency.
27 Juin 2019
The executive secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Vera Songwe, has praised the Angolan president's "ambitious reforms" to diversify a "monolithic economy" supported by the oil sector.
27 Juin 2019
All is set for the two-day regional trade forum for the Horn of Africa focusing on the implementation of the historic African Continental Free Trade Agreement that went into force on 30 May.
27 Juin 2019
All is set for the two-day regional trade forum for the Horn of Africa focusing on the implementation of the historic African Continental Free Trade Agreement that went into force on 30 May.
27 Juin 2019
Le rapport annuel de la Conférence des Nations unies sur le commerce et le développement (Cnuced) projette un avenir prometteur de l'Afrique, dont les échanges internes ne représentent aujourd’hui qu’entre 15 et 17%, contre 47% en Amérique, 61% en Asie et 67% en Europe.
27 Juin 2019
Central African countries were recently urged to align their external trade data classification system, with the 2017 World Customs Organization’s Harmonised System (HS17) for identifying products which will be categorised as ‘free,’ ‘sensitive’ and ‘excluded’ within the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) regime
27 Juin 2019
The UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) on Thursday urged African countries and pan African institutions to exert concerted efforts so as to fully harness the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA).
27 Juin 2019
A two-day regional trade forum is being held in Ethiopia’s capital with a focus on the implementation of the historic African Continental Free Trade Agreement that went into force on 30 May.
26 Juin 2019
Em entrevista à Lusa, à margem dos encontros anuais do banco pan-africano Afreximbank, que decorreram em Moscovo, Vera Songwe admitiu que o continente não está preparado para lidar com o renovado interesse dos parceiros internacionais que tentam entrar em África, como é o caso da China, Índia ou Rússia, que elegeu 2019 como o ano das relações entre os dois blocos.
26 Juin 2019
A secretária-executiva da Comissão Económica das Nações Unidas para a África (UNECA, sigla em inglês), classificou a crise da dívida escondida em Moçambique como um caso criminal que poderia ter sido evitada se houvesse transparência dos contratos públicos.
