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16 Juillet 2019
Dans un an exactement, le démantèlement tarifaire dans le cadre de la Zone de libre-échange continentale africaine (Zlecaf) va commencer. Cela définit un nouveau modèle pour le commerce de l’Afrique, ainsi que pour l’ensemble du programme de développement à long terme du continent.
16 Juillet 2019
African political and economic leaders held a summit last week to work towards finalizing a $3.4 trillion free trade bloc known as the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). This effort would unite economies across the continent, encompassing 1.3 billion people, 55 nations, and a combined GDP of approximately $2.5 trillion. By definition, the pact would eliminate tariffs on most goods...
16 Juillet 2019
Dans un an exactement, le démantèlement tarifaire dans le cadre de la Zone de libre-échange continentale africaine (Zlecaf) va commencer. Cela définit un nouveau modèle pour le commerce de l’Afrique, ainsi que pour l’ensemble du programme de développement à long terme du continent.
15 Juillet 2019
Nations-Unies (New York)-La Secrétaire d’État chargée du Développement durable, Nezha El Ouafi, en sa qualité de présidente du Forum régional africain pour le développement durable (FRADD), a tenu une réunion de travail, lundi à New York, avec la Secrétaire exécutive de la Commission économique des Nations-Unies pour l’Afrique (CEA), Vera Songwe.
15 Juillet 2019
Le Forum politique de haut niveau sur le développement durable a achevé, aujourd’hui, la première partie de sa session placée sous les auspices du Forum économique et social (ECOSOC) en faisant le bilan de quatre années de mise en œuvre des objectifs de développement durable, en particulier six d’entre eux.
15 Juillet 2019
The Economic Commission for Africa will organize, in partnership with the Egyptian Ministry of Planning, Monitoring and Administrative Reform, the African Union, the Economic Commission for Western Asia and the Permanent Mission of South Africa to the United Nations a High level debate on "Informal Sector and 2030 Agenda" on Tuesday 16 July in New York, on the margins of the High-Level...
15 Juillet 2019
The Economic Commission for Africa will organize, in partnership with the Egyptian Ministry of Planning, Monitoring and Administrative Reform, the African Union, the Economic Commission for Western Asia and the Permanent Mission of South Africa to the United Nations a High level debate on "Informal Sector and 2030 Agenda" on Tuesday 16 July in New York, on the margins of the High-Level...
15 Juillet 2019
El director de la Oficina del Alto Comisionado para la Agenda 2030 en el Gobierno de España, Federico Buyolo, ha animado este lunes, en el 'High Level Political Forum (HLPF) 2019' de Naciones Unidas, que se desarrolla en Nueva York, a seguir el ejemplo de Euskadi en la emisión de bonos sostenibles para contribuir a los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible(ODS).
12 Juillet 2019
Corruption remains a stubborn phenomenon on the continent – that is according to the tenth edition of the Global Corruption Barometer, commissioned by Transparency International in association with Afrobarometer.
12 Juillet 2019
The world’s largest trade bloc, the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), has finally entered into force with African leaders launching the operational phase last Sunday.
11 Juillet 2019
With the meeting of the high-level political forum (HLPF) on sustainable development now underway in New York, Africa is galvanising its position and speaking with one voice on the need to mobilizing adequate, predictable and additional financial resources to accelerate the implementation of the sustainable development goals in Africa
11 Juillet 2019
There was spontaneous applause as Africa’s largest economy Nigeria signed up to a deal that experts say could provide far-reaching benefits, but only if it is implemented properly.
11 Juillet 2019
Roads, bridges, hospitals and commercial centres… to the creation of new cities. Africa is at work! But nevertheless, the infrastructure deficit remains one of the continent’s main challenges, to the tune of 130 to 170 billion dollars in annual investments. But with Africa’s population set to double in a few years, so will its needs, and therefore, Africa must innovate, think local, and think...
10 Juillet 2019
Though the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) aspires towards deepening the integration of the African continent beyond merely a free trade area, latest trade report has argued for the need to make competition, industrial policies and property rights work well.
10 Juillet 2019
The European Union (EU) Commission has proposed $44.8 billion investment to support the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA), which is estimated to create around 10 million jobs in Africa.
9 Juillet 2019
The ninth edition of the flagship Assessing Regional Integration in Africa report (ARIA IX) was launched on 6 July 2019 during the African Business Forum in Niamey, Niger.
9 Juillet 2019
Malgré le coût généré par l’application de l’accord, les gains seront immenses pour le continent, plaident le président nigérien Mahamadou Issoufou et la diplomate onusienne Vera Songwe.
9 Juillet 2019
The ninth edition of the flagship Assessing Regional Integration in Africa report (ARIA IX) was launched on 6 July 2019 at the African Business Forum in Niamey, Niger.
8 Juillet 2019
African leaders have officially launched the operational phase of the African Continental Free Trade Area Agreement at Sunday's African Union summit in Niamey. All but one of the 55 AU member countries, Eritrea, have now signed on to the deal. The AU says the agreement has laid the foundation for what could be the world's largest free trade zone. As CGTN's Ramah Nyang reports,...
8 Juillet 2019
The ninth edition of the flagship Assessing Regional Integration in Africa report (ARIA IX) was launched on 6 July 2019 during the African Business Forum in Niamey, Niger.
8 Juillet 2019
The ninth edition of the flagship Assessing Regional Integration in Africa report (ARIA IX), titled ‘Next Steps for the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)’, was launched on 6 July 2019 during the African Business Forum in Niamey, Niger.
8 Juillet 2019
The ninth edition of the flagship Assessing Regional Integration in Africa report (ARIA IX) was launched on 6 July 2019 during the African Business Forum in Niamey, Niger.
