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2 Juillet 2019
ECA in a statement on Tuesday, said that the conference, with the theme: ‘The future of Africa: Industrialization in the digital era’, would hold from 18-24 March, 2020.
1 Juillet 2019
Véritable fléau pour le continent africain qui compte le plus grand nombre de pays atteints par ce phénomène, la corruption est plus que jamais « endémique » dans une grande partie de l’Afrique. Ainsi, à travers ce phénomène généralisé, ce sont plus de 148 milliards de dollars (85 355 milliards de Fcfa) qui sont perdus chaque année par le continent.
1 Juillet 2019
At the end of the June 2019, ordinary session, Cameroon’s parliament approved the draft bill authorising the head of state to ratify the continental free trade zone agreement.
1 Juillet 2019
Les 3 et 4 octobre prochains se tiendra à Nice la première édition du Choiseul Africa Business Forum, le rendez-vous annuel dédié aux opportunités d’affaires en Afrique et avec l’Afrique. «Organisé par l’Institut Choiseul en collaboration avec la métropole de Nice Côte d’Azur et plusieurs partenaires institutionnels et économiques de premier plan, cette plateforme réunira sur un mode interactif...
30 Juin 2019
The European Union Commission (EUC) at the weekend proposed a €40 billion package designed to create at least 10 million jobs in African countries signatory to the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA).
29 Juin 2019
During a two-day Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) regional Trade Forum on the Horn of Africa, the European Union (EU) has pledged it will grant Africa with EUR 40 billion to help create 10 million jobs.
28 Juin 2019
The European Union Commission fully supports the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) and is proposing a 40 billion Euro package to attract investments that would create at least 10 million jobs in Africa.
28 Juin 2019
The European Union Commission fully supports the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) and is proposing a 40 billion Euro package to attract investments that would create at least 10 million jobs in Africa.
28 Juin 2019
The European Union Commission fully supports the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) and is proposing a 40 billion Euro package to attract investments that would create at least 10 million jobs in Africa.
28 Juin 2019
The European Union Commission fully supports the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) and is proposing a 40 billion Euro package to attract investments that would create at least 10 million jobs in Africa.
28 Juin 2019
The European Union is to provide 40 billion Euros in grants to help create at least 10 million jobs in Africa. The EU Commission is fully supporting the African Continental Free Trade Agreement with the proposed package to attract investments.
28 Juin 2019
The European Union Commission fully supports the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) and is proposing a 40 billion Euro package to attract investments that would create at least 10 million jobs in Africa.
28 Juin 2019
The European Union Commission fully supports the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) and is proposing a 40 billion Euro package to attract investments that would create at least 10 million jobs in Africa.
28 Juin 2019
THE European Union Commission fully supports the African Continental Free Trade Agreement, AfCFTA, and is proposing a 40 billion Euro package to attract investments that would create at least 10 million jobs in Africa.
28 Juin 2019
The European Union Commission fully supports the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) and is proposing a 40 billion Euro package to attract investments that would create at least 10 million jobs in Africa.
28 Juin 2019
La Commission de l’Union européenne soutient pleinement l’Accord de libre-échange continentale africaine (ZLECA) et propose un paquet de 40 milliards d’euros destiné à attirer des investissements permettant de créer au moins 10 millions d’emplois en Afrique.
28 Juin 2019
The European Union Commission fully supports the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) and is proposing a 40 billion Euro package to attract investments that would create at least 10 million jobs in Africa.
28 Juin 2019
« Comme l’a souligné le Président de la Commission de l’Union européenne, M. Juncker, dans son discours sur l’état de l’Union en septembre dernier, faisant référence à la ZLECA, il espère que la perspective à long terme consiste à créer un accord global de libre-échange de continent à continent entre l’UE et l’Afrique », dit-il.
28 Juin 2019
Ambassador Ranieri Sabatucci, the EU Ambassador to the African Union, on Friday revealed that the European Union Commission is proposing a 40 billion Euro package to attract investments that will create at least 10 million jobs in Africa.
28 Juin 2019
The European Union Commission has proposed a 40 billion Euros package to attract investments that would create at least 10 million jobs in Africa.
28 Juin 2019
The European Union Commission proposes a 40 billion Euro package to attract investments that would create at least 10 million jobs in Africa, its ambassador to African Union says.
27 Juin 2019
The executive secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) has classified the hidden debt crisis in Mozambique as a criminal case that could have been avoided if there were public procurement transparency.
27 Juin 2019
The executive secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), Vera Songwe, has praised the Angolan president's "ambitious reforms" to diversify a "monolithic economy" supported by the oil sector.
