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2 Avril 2020
Ministers of Finance from Nigeria and other African countries have called for debt relief from bilateral, multilateral and commercial partners, due to the ravaging impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has plunged the world into an economic crisis.
2 Avril 2020
African ministers of finance have urged immediate emergency financing of 100 billion U.S. dollars to deal with the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak on the continent.
1 Avril 2020
በርካታ አገሮች በኮሮና ቫይረስ ወረርሽኝ ምክንያት የመጣባቸውን አደጋ ለመመከት የአደጋ ጊዜ የፋይናንስ በጀት እየመደቡ ነው፡፡ አሜሪካ 2.2 ትሪሊዮን ዶላር የአደጋ ጊዜ በጀት በመመደብ ኢኮኖሚዋን ከአደጋ ለመታደግ መታጠቋን አስታውቃለች፡፡ ኮሮና እ.ኤ.አ. የ2003 የአልቃይዳ ሽብር ጥቃትን እያስታወሳት የምትገኘው አሜሪካ በቀናት ልዩነት በታማሚዎች ብዛት የዓለም ቁንጮ በመሆን ከ165 ሺሕ በላይ ተጠቂዎችን አስመዝግባለች፡፡
1 Avril 2020
The African Union (AU) reported today that a total of 5,255 cases of COVID-19 are registered on the continent and, although there are still no infections in seven countries in the region, the situation due to the pandemic is aggravated by armed conflicts. of some nations.
1 Avril 2020
África intenta a la desesperada movilizar fondos y lograr el alivio de su deuda para amortiguar el desastre económico ocasionado por la crisis sanitaria del coronavirus, que ya ha causado más de 5.900 contagios y 200 muertes en el continente.
1 Avril 2020
Poucas condições de higiene e sistemas de saúde deficitários. Parecem estar reunidas as condições para transformar o continente africano num recordista de números no que diz respeito à Covid-19.
1 Avril 2020
African Ministers of Finance held a second virtual meeting Tuesday, against the backdrop of rising COVID-19 cases in Africa which could spiral out of control unless measures are put in place now to curtail its spread. The meeting was hosted by Vera Songwe, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, and co-chaired by Ministers Tito Mboweni of South Africa and Ken Ofori-Atta of...
1 Avril 2020
African policymakers must rise to several daunting challenges, argues Vera Songwe of the UN Economic Commission for Africa. Crosscutting trends matter very much.
1 Avril 2020
In the last meeting organized by UNECA, African ministers called for a $100 billion stimulus package, including a suspension of debt service payments.
1 Avril 2020
The meeting was hosted by Vera Songwe, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, and co-chaired by Ministers Tito Mboweni of South Africa and Ken Ofori-Atta of Ghana.
1 Avril 2020
Les ministres africains des finances se sont réunis ce mardi pour la deuxième fois par visioconférence, dans le contexte de l’augmentation des cas de COVID-19 en Afrique, susceptible d’être incontrôlable si les mesures ne sont pas mises en place maintenant pour en limiter la propagation. La réunion a été organisée par Vera Songwe, Secrétaire exécutive de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique,...
1 Avril 2020
After a second virtual meeting held Tuesday March 31, 2020, African Ministers of Finance say the continent urgently needs $100 billion to fight the coronavirus disease sweeping across the world.
1 Avril 2020
Les ministres africains des finances réunis mardi, à Addis-Abeba, en visioconférence, ont réclamé, un financement d’urgence de 100 milliards de dollars pour combattre le COVID-19.
1 Avril 2020
The second online meeting of the African Ministers of Finance took place on 31 March 2020 in the context of the outbreak of the coronavirus in Africa. The first meeting of the African Ministers of Finance took place on 19 March 2020. At that time, based on data contributed by 35 African countries, 633 cases of the virus were confirmed, with 17 deaths. As at 31 March 2020, that number had risen to...
1 Avril 2020
African Ministers of Finance held a second virtual meeting Tuesday, against the backdrop of rising COVID-19 cases in Africa which could spiral out of control unless measures are put in place now to curtail its spread.
1 Avril 2020
Les ministres africains des finances se sont réunis ce mardi pour la deuxième fois par visioconférence, dans le contexte de l’augmentation des cas de COVID-19 en Afrique, susceptible d’être incontrôlable si les mesures ne sont pas mises en place maintenant pour en limiter la propagation. La réunion a été organisée par Vera Songwe, Secrétaire exécutive de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique,...
1 Avril 2020
African Ministers of Finance held a second virtual meeting Tuesday, against the backdrop of rising COVID-19 cases in Africa which could spiral out of control unless measures are put in place now to curtail its spread. The meeting was hosted by Vera Songwe, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, and co-chaired by Ministers Tito Mboweni of South Africa and Ken Ofori-Atta of...
1 Avril 2020
African Ministers of Finance held a second virtual meeting Tuesday, against the backdrop of rising COVID-19 cases in Africa which could spiral out of control unless measures are put in place now to curtail its spread. The meeting was hosted by Vera Songwe, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, and co-chaired by Ministers Tito Mboweni of South Africa and Ken Ofori-Atta of...
1 Avril 2020
Les ministres africains des finances se sont réunis ce mardi pour la deuxième fois par visioconférence, dans le contexte de l’augmentation des cas de COVID-19 en Afrique, susceptible d’être incontrôlable si les mesures ne sont pas mises en place maintenant pour en limiter la propagation. La réunion a été organisée par Vera Songwe, Secrétaire exécutive de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique,...
31 Mars 2020
Faced with the threat of losing at least two to three percent of gross domestic product this year due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, African leaders have tendered a comprehensive request to the international financial community which among others includes an appeal for a $100 billion bailout package.
31 Mars 2020
African finance ministers have appealed for a $100 billion bailout package from international lenders to cushion their economies from effects of the coronavirus pandemic, which has put the entire continent in virtual lockdown.
31 Mars 2020
The Economic Commission for Africa and the UN Communications Group last week handed over to the Government of Ethiopia, awareness materials to ensure ordinary citizens have access to timely and accurate information in the fight against the COVID-19 outbreak.
31 Mars 2020
La Unión Africana (UA) informó hoy que en el continente se registra un total de cinco mil 255 casos de COVID-19 y, aunque en siete países de la región aún no hay contagios, la situación por la pandemia se agrava por los conflictos armados de algunas naciones.
30 Mars 2020
Entering Africa through people traveling from Europe to the continent, coronavirus appeared in 46 African countries, excluding Burundi, Lesotho, Sierra Leone, Comoros and South Sudan.
