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26 Mars 2020
Not since our species first emerged out of Africa have we been so linked as one human family, sharing so many common opportunities and threats.
26 Mars 2020
Not since our species first emerged out of Africa have we been so linked as one human family, sharing so many common opportunities and threats. So, when world leaders meet virtually as the G20 today to plan humanity’s global COVID-19 fightback, it is in the interest of us all that Africa sits centrally within that strategy – central to the global health response, as well as the economic and jobs...
26 Mars 2020
Not since our species first emerged out of Africa have we been so linked as one human family, sharing so many common opportunities and threats.
26 Mars 2020
Not since our species first emerged out of Africa have we been so linked as one human family, sharing so many common opportunities and threats.
26 Mars 2020
Not since our species first emerged out of Africa have we been so linked as one human family, sharing so many common opportunities and threats. So, when world leaders meet virtually as the G20 today to plan humanity’s global COVID-19 fightback, it is in the interest of us all that Africa sits centrally within that strategy – central to the global health response, as well as the economic and jobs...
26 Mars 2020
Alors que 180 pays et régions du monde combattent la pandémie de COVID-19, les pays africains ont adopté différentes mesures, allant du couvre-feu partiel à l'instauration de l'état d'urgence en passant par la coordination de leurs politiques financières, pour essayer d'endiguer la propagation rapide du coronavirus au continent et de mieux faire face aux éventuelles...
25 Mars 2020
Incitations pour les importateurs de denrées alimentaires, mesures fiscales « stimulantes », aide à la production pharmaceutique locale… La Commission économique pour l’Afrique des Nations Unies (UNECA), s’est penchée sur les menaces qui pèsent sur le continent, et propose des pistes d’action.
25 Mars 2020
African countries have so far lost an estimated $29 billion to the coronavirus economic disruption, an amount equal to Uganda’s gross domestic product (GDP), according to UN estimates.
25 Mars 2020
Plusieurs Etats africains, frappés par le coronavirus, s'emploient à soutenir leurs économies afin de limiter l'effet dévastateur de la pandémie.
25 Mars 2020
Les économies africaines subissent de plein fouet les effets du coronavirus. Selon la CEA, la croissance du continent devrait chuter de moitié.
25 Mars 2020
Afrika är på väg att drabbas mycket hårt av effekterna av coronaviruset. Hittills uppskattas kontinenten ha förlorat motsvarande 300 miljarder kronor.
25 Mars 2020
In addition, the ministers underscored the need to support the private sector and protect the over 30 million jobs at risk, particularly in the tourism and airline sectors across the continent. Other critical sectors include agriculture, imports and exports, pharmaceuticals and banking.
24 Mars 2020
Nigeria and other oil-producing countries in Africa will lose up to $65 billion in revenues because of the impact of Coronavirus on crude oil sales.
24 Mars 2020
Le coronavirus ferait perdre l’économie africaine la moitié de son Produit intérieur brut (PIB), lequel passerait de 3,2% à environ 2% pour un certain nombre de raisons, notamment la perturbation des chaînes d’approvisionnement mondiales, selon un récent rapport de la Commission économique de l’Afrique (CEA) des Nations Unies.
24 Mars 2020
African Finance Ministers have called for a coordinated COVID-19 response to mitigate the adverse impact of the pandemic on economies and society, noting that Africa needs an immediate emergency economic stimulus of $100 billion.
24 Mars 2020
L’Africa si appresta a vivere un grave periodo di recessione. Molti fattori, che si intrecciano fra loro, contribuiranno a un calo della crescita. Alle problematiche endemiche, come la povertà, la corruzione, si aggiungono fattori esterni di notevole impatto sui mercati: shock del prezzo del petrolio, coronavirus che porta con sé un calo della domanda turistica e, non ultimo, l’invasione delle...
23 Mars 2020
African finance ministers have called for a $100 billion stimulus package, including a suspension of debt service payments, to help the continent combat coronavirus.
23 Mars 2020
Economic disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic has so far cost African economies $29 billion, the United Nations has said, warning that the loss could rise in the coming months as more countries in the region report confirmed cases of the virus.
23 Mars 2020
Nchi za Afrika hadi sasa zimepoteza takriban dola za Marekani bilioni 29 kutokana na mlipuko wa virusi vya corona uliovuruga uchumi wake, kiwango sawa na kipato cha ndani (GDP) cha taifa la Uganda kwa mujibu wa makadirio ya Umoja wa Mataifa.
22 Mars 2020
The lockdown in Africa is getting realer as its coronavirus cases have climbed over 1,000. The pandemic, spreading fast, has just found its way into the government of Burkina Faso, where 4 ministers have tested positive.
22 Mars 2020
African countries have so far lost an estimated $29 billion to the coronavirus economic disruption, an amount equal to Uganda’s gross domestic product (GDP), according to UN estimates.
22 Mars 2020
La crise sanitaire mondiale liée au coronavirus s’accompagne d’ores et déjà de graves conséquences économiques. En Afrique, marqué par la chute des exportations de matières premières comme le pétrole, la crise pourrait entraîner une récession semblable à celle de 2008 à laquelle le continent avait pourtant échappé. France 24 a interrogé l'économiste franco-béninois Lionel Zinsou à ce sujet.
21 Mars 2020
L’information est contenue dans une étude publiée le 13 mars 2020 à Addis-Abeba en Ethiopie par la CEA. A l’heure actuelle, il est difficile de dire avec exactitude quand est ce que la pandémie de coronavirus qui continue sa progression au Cameroun sera jugulée.
