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Featured Articles

Disclaimer: The Headlines provide summaries and excerpts of selected publicly available articles. They are compiled by the ECA Communication Section. The compilation is neither exhaustive, nor fully inclusive. The ECA cannot vouch for the accuracy of these reports nor does it endorse their content.
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29 June 2018
Dans un discours prononcé aujourd’hui à Nouakchott (Mauritanie) à l’occasion de la 31ème Session ordinaire de l’Assemblée des Chefs d’Etat et de Gouvernement de l’Union Africaine, la Secrétaire Exécutive de la CEA, Mme Vera Songwe, a lancé une mise en garde contre l’impact de la corruption sur le développement de l’Afrique.
28 June 2018
Le Conseil exécutif de l'Union africaine a entamé, jeudi à Nouakchott, les travaux de sa 33e session ordinaire en prélude au 31e sommet de l'UA placé sous la thématique «Gagner la lutte contre la corruption : un chemin durable vers la transformation de l'Afrique».
28 June 2018
Le Conseil exécutif de l’Union africaine a entamé, jeudi à Nouakchott, les travaux de sa 33eme session ordinaire en prélude au 31eme sommet de l’UA placé sous la thématique «Gagner la lutte contre la corruption : un chemin durable vers la transformation de l’Afrique».
27 June 2018
At a time when Malawians are pondering over what to do over poor leadership, African leaders elsewhere have taken new measures to respond to this.
26 June 2018
Former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf will chair a new panel to drive the transformation of Africa’s economies; it was announced at a major financial summit in Accra this week, a release has said.
26 June 2018
President Paul Kagame on Monday hosted a meeting with the African Union reforms team in Kigali, ahead of the African Union Summit scheduled for July in Mauritania.
25 June 2018
President Paul Kagame on Monday held a meeting with the African Union reforms team in Kigali. The meeting comes ahead of the African Union Summit scheduled for July in Mauritania
25 June 2018
Réuni ce week-end dans la capitale mozambicaine, Maputo, le Comité exécutif de l'Association des procureurs africains a évoqué le rôle des magistrats dans la lutte contre la corruption. D'après des sources proches de l'organisation, d'autres sujets dont la traite des êtres humains et l'éducation, ont également été abordés dans les discussions lors de la réunion.
25 June 2018
Le Maroc est résolument engagé à faire de la Conférence de Marrakech sur le Pacte mondial pour des migrations sûres, ordonnées et régulières, un événement d’actions concrètes qui placera le développement au centre de l’Agenda de la migration, a affirmé, vendredi à Addis-Abeba, Mohamed Arouchi, ambassadeur représentant permanent du Royaume du Maroc auprès de l’Union africaine et de la Commission...
22 June 2018
The United Nations has instituted a board to bring out modalities for African countries that are yet to be part of the African Continental Free Trade Agreement.
22 June 2018
Secrétaire exécutive de la Commission économique de l’ONU pour l’Afrique, cette Camerounaise se distingue par son volontarisme en matière de lutte contre la pauvreté.
20 June 2018
Le Kenya travaillera avec la Commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA) afin de protéger et de développer des innovations technologiques provenant d’entreprises naissantes (start-up) et de débloquer des fonds de pension pour le développement du pays, déclare aujourd’hui, le Président Uhuru Kenyatta.
20 June 2018
President Uhuru Kenyatta has met with the Executive Secretary of the U.N. Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) Vera Songwe where the two have committed to protect and grow start-up tech innovations and to unlock pension funds to deploy in developing the country.
20 June 2018
NAIROBI, 19th June 2018, (PSCU)—Kenya will work with the U.N. Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) to protect and grow start-up tech innovations and to unlock pension funds to deploy in developing the country, President Uhuru Kenyatta said today.
19 June 2018
The President spoke when ECA Executive Secretary Vera Songwe paid him a courtesy call at State House, Nairobi, on her first visit to Kenya in her new role as leader of one of the United Nation’s regional development agencies.
19 June 2018
Kenya will work with the U.N. Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) to protect and grow start-up tech innovations and to unlock pension funds to deploy in developing the country, President Uhuru Kenyatta said Tuesday.
14 June 2018
African countries have been challenged to support and grow local investors and entrepreneurs to counter the fickleness of international investment flows.
11 June 2018
African countries have been challenged to support and grow local investors and entrepreneurs to counter the fickleness of international investment flows. The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) Executive Secretary, Vera Songwe noted that the uncertainty wrought by Brexit and an inward-looking United States of America is intensifying the threats of protectionism rather than expanding global trade...
9 June 2018
Ethiopia and more generally Africa, is now looking at Ireland’s transition from a once struggling economy to that of an economical powerhouse near the top of the IMF and World Bank ranks as something to emulate within its society.
8 June 2018
The Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, Vera Songwe has lauded the representative of the Tripartite group comprising COMESA, EAC and SADC for their work on synergies between the Tripartite Free Trade Area and the African Continental Free Trade Area - AfCFTA, signed this year by African Union Member States.
8 June 2018
Botswana will host two major anti-corruption meetings organised by the Economic Commission for Africa- Southern Africa Office (ECA-SA) in partnership with the African Union-Southern Africa Office (AU-SARO), APA can report on Friday.
7 June 2018
La Secrétaire exécutive de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA), Vera Songwe, a plaidé, jeudi à Addis-Abeba, pour un élargissement de l’accès à Internet pour booster de manière efficace le commerce numérique sur le continent africain.« Pour que le commerce numérique soit significatif, nous devons élargir l’accès à Internet, le rendre abordable, fiable et rapide. De nombreux pays, en...
