Couverture médiatique sur la CEA - Vidéo et radio

Videos and Radio streams

Disclaimer: The Headlines provide summaries and excerpts of selected publicly available articles. They are compiled by the ECA Communication Section. The compilation is neither exhaustive, nor fully inclusive. The ECA cannot vouch for the accuracy of these reports nor does it endorse their content.
Copyright Note: The links to respective articles are provided as available, but access to some of the full articles may be limited to individual subscribers. ECA has no control over external website content and/or links, which may no longer exist or be redirected.

1 Juin 2020
Dr. Vera Songwe, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, speaks to COVID-19 Africa Watch about the future—and renewed importance—of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), the role of technology, infrastructure, and governance will play in the recovery from the pandemic, and the global response to the economic crisis.
26 Mai 2020
Fermeture des frontières, restrictions des déplacements, confinement, couvre-feu... Toutes ces mesures sanitaires ont eu un impact sur les économies des différents pays du continent. Notre invitée, la secrétaire exécutive de la Commission économique pour l'Afrique des Nations unies, Vera Songwé, estime que l'Afrique souffre beaucoup plus de l'arrêt des activités économiques que du...
25 Mai 2020
25 Mai 2020
As of the 24th of May, Africa had a total of 107,412 confirmed Covid-19 cases, with 42,626 recoveries and 3,246 deaths. CNBC Africa’s Kenneth Igbomor explores ways to protect Africa’s progress during the Covid-19 pandemic with Dr.Vera Songwe, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, Dr. John Nkengasong, Director of the Africa Centre for...
20 Mai 2020
The New York Forum Institute
In order to proactively anticipate this uncertain future amid the COVID-19 global pandemic, the New York Forum Institute (NYF-Institute) organized a high-level virtual roundtable on May 19, 2020, between African leaders and international experts. It is the first of its kind: gathering African heads of state and governments who have shown exemplary leadership.
14 Mai 2020
Time code: 2:36 min
12 Mai 2020
The UN Global Compact has shared a special appeal #UnitingBusiness around a corporate response to the COVID-19 pandemic: for all companies to take collective action to stem the outbreak through implementing our Ten Principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. Effectively addressing this crisis requires an active response from Governments, business and the...
8 Mai 2020
Africa’s response to COVID-19 needs to be customized for Africa’s unique challenges and circumstances. Rosa Whitaker, recognized as one of the world’s leading experts on African trade and investment, unpack the keys for Africa to address and exit this pandemic with Dr Vera Songwe, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.
30 Avril 2020
Economic conditions in a number of African countries are worsening by the day. Lockdowns and a plummet in global commodity prices brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic have led to severe economic repercussions across the continent.
29 Avril 2020
In the midst of COVID-19 pandemic, what is the EU's role in relation to its sister continent Africa? The President of the European Economic and Social Committee Luca Jahier held a webinar on Wednesday 29th April to discuss the impact of COVID-19 to the new EU-Africa Strategy and the latest developments at EU and African level on COVID-19 ongoing crisis.
23 Avril 2020
LaTribuneTV Events
Depuis la découverte février dernier du premier cas de contamination confirmé sur le continent, les Etats et les gouvernements africains mènent une course contre la montre pour circonscrire l'impact humain, social et économique de la pandémie.
23 Avril 2020
Depuis la découverte février dernier du premier cas de contamination confirmé sur le continent, les Etats et les gouvernements africains mènent une course contre la montre pour circonscrire l'impact humain, social et économique de la pandémie.
12 Avril 2020
CGTN Africa
8 Avril 2020
Africa has reacted quickly to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. Leaders across the continent have initiated lockdowns, and both the African Union and the African Centre for Disease Control (CDC) have stepped up to address the situation on a continent-wide level by publishing the Africa Joint Continental Strategy for COVID-19 Outbreak.
27 Mars 2020
Face au covid-19, l’Afrique mène un double combat sanitaire et économique. Aux mesures de confinement, total ou partiel, officiel ou officieux, suivent des programmes de relance économique à différents niveaux. La Commission Économique pour l’Afrique (CEA) estime les besoins du continent à 100 milliards de dollars. A cela s’ajouterait un rééchelonnement des intérêts des dettes africaines, soit 44...
