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2 Mai 2019
Die Leiterin einer UN-Agentur sagte am Donnerstag, dass sie hofft, dass Äthiopien im nächsten Jahr an die Spitze der Pressefreiheit springen wird. “Ich hoffe, dass Äthiopien unter den Top 20 der Pressefreiheit rangiert”, sagte Vera Songwe, die die UN-Wirtschaftskommission für Afrika leitet.
2 Mai 2019
The head of a UN organization said she hopes Ethiopia will jump to the top of press freedom next year. "I hope Ethiopia will be placed in the top 20 of press freedom," said Vera Songwe, who heads the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.
1 Mai 2019
Since its launch in 2013, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has delivered results that have injected strong growth impetus in a world that is full of uncertainty, participants at the second Belt and Road Forum for International Co-operation (BRF) said, write Li Ruohan and Li Xuanmin.
1 Mai 2019
El periodismo en tiempos de desinformación es el tema principal de la celebración del Día Mundial de la Libertad de Prensa 2019, auspiciada por la Unesco y con más de 100 eventos previstos desde hoy en el mundo.
30 Avril 2019
La croissance économique africaine connait une des meilleures périodes de l’histoire du continent. De 3,4% en 2017, elle a atteint 3,2% en 2018, et devrait revenir à 3,4% cette année, puis à 3,7% en 2020. Cependant, cette croissance restera insuffisante tout le temps que les Etats ne parviendront pas à dégager davantage de recettes publiques. Sur ce constat, la Commission économique pour l’...
30 Avril 2019
The relationship between the press and democracy will be the main theme of this year's edition of World Press Freedom Day (3 May) jointly organized by UNESCO, the Ethiopian government and the African Union Commission in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), from 1 to 3 May. More than one hundred events will also take place around the world in observance of the day.
29 Avril 2019
While around the world extreme poverty has declined considerably, new World Bank estimates suggest that the number of extremely poor people—those who live on $1.90 a day or less—has fallen from 1.9 billion in 1990 to about 736 million in 2015. But the number of people living in extreme poverty is on the rise in sub-Saharan Africa, and they make up more than half of the extreme poor in 2015....
AfCFTA – A Game Changer for stimulating Intra-African Trade
29 Avril 2019
28 Avril 2019
Although United Nations Regional Commissions have been in existence for more than 70 years, for the first time ever, each one is currently headed by a woman designated by Secretary-General António Guterres. This accomplishment underscores that, since the day he took office, the UN chief has been determined to achieve gender parity by 2030 as part of the Agenda for Sustainable Development.
28 Avril 2019
Although United Nations Regional Commissions have been in existence for more than 70 years, for the first time ever, each one is currently headed by a woman designated by Secretary-General António Guterres.
28 Avril 2019
Capital Newspaper (local)
27 Avril 2019
The digital Silk Road, as part of the Belt and Road Initiative, has not only brought investment and jobs to the economies involved, but has also empowered them with the ability to embrace the digital age.
25 Avril 2019
Since its launch in 2013, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has delivered results that have injected strong growth impetus in a world that is full of uncertainty, participants at the second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation (BRF) said.
23 Avril 2019
African debt is increasing—this is an indisputable fact. Indeed, sub-Saharan Africa is rapidly approaching debt levels reminiscent of the era just before the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI) for outright forgiveness of debt owed by a group of 36 low-income countries, and the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) initiative instituted in 1996 to address debt overhang in the poorest...
22 Avril 2019
African countries are noticing the importance of digitalization and the digital economy in driving growth and transformation on the continent and they are moving towards utilizing the advantages for development.
19 Avril 2019
La Secrétaire générale adjointe de l’Organisation des Nations unies (ONU) et Secrétaire exécutive de la Commission économique des Nations unies pour l’Afrique (UNECA/CEA), Vera Songwe, a souligné, mercredi 17 avril 2019 que le taux de croissance économique moyen des pays africains, qui était de 3,2 % en 2018, reste en deçà de ce qui est nécessaire pour atteindre les Objectifs de développement...
19 Avril 2019
La ratification de l’accord de la Zone de libre-échange continentale et le développement de l’écosystème numérique ont constitué le menu de la visite, du 17 au 19 avril 2019, de la Secrétaire exécutive de la Commission économique des Nations unies pour l’Afrique (CEA) au Cameroun.
18 Avril 2019
Mercredi 17 avril ; le Chef du gouvernement, Saad Dine El Otmani a présidé la cérémonie d’ouverture des travaux de la 5ème édition du Forum Régional Africain pour le Développement durable co-organisé à Marrakech du 16 au 18 avril 2019 par le Royaume du Maroc et la Commission Economique des Nations Unies pour l’Afrique-CEA.
