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14 Mars 2020
حذرت مسؤولة أممية، السبت، من الانعكاسات الخطيرة لفيروس كورونا المستجد على النمو بالقارة السمراء، خاصة في ظل ظهور الوباء في 15 دولة أفريقية.
14 Mars 2020
En Éthiopie, un premier cas de COVID-19a été détecté vendredi. Il s'agit, selon le ministère de la Santé, d'un Japonais de 48 ans qui est arrivé le 4 mars dans le pays. Les 25 personnes avec qui il a été en contact sont surveillées par les autorités.
14 Mars 2020
La Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l’Afrique (CEA) a averti que la pandémie de coronavirus pourrait sérieusement mettre à mal la croissance économique déjà stagnante de l’Afrique.
14 Mars 2020
The impact of the COVID-19 on Africa could cause the continent to lose half of it’s GDP, according to the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA).
14 Mars 2020
The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has warned that the coronavirus pandemic could seriously dent Africa’s already stagnant economic growth.
14 Mars 2020
The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) on Friday warned the unfolding coronavirus crisis could seriously dent Africa’s already stagnant growth with oil exporting nations losing up to $65 billion in revenues as crude oil prices continue to tumble.
14 Mars 2020
حذرت مسؤولة أممية، السبت، من الانعكاسات الخطيرة لفيروس كورونا المستجد على النمو بالقارة السمراء، خاصة في ظل ظهور الوباء في 15 دولة أفريقية.
14 Mars 2020
In Afrika sind weitere Fälle des neuen Coronavirus bekannt geworden. Während am Samstag vor laufenden TV-Kameras ein Militärtransporter mit 122 Südafrikanern aus Wuhan in dem Kap-Staat eintraf, gaben die Staaten Namibia, Ruanda und das Gebirgskönigreich Eswatini (ehemals Swasiland) ihre ersten Fälle bekannt. Ein aus Mumbai einreisender Inder sei Ruandas erster Fall, erklärte Gesundheitsminister...
14 Mars 2020
The United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) has warned that the unfolding coronavirus crisis could seriously dent Africa's already stagnant growth and result in billions of dollars' worth of losses in export revenues.
14 Mars 2020
14 Mars 2020
La Commission économique pour l'Afrique (CEA) a averti que la crise actuelle du coronavirus pourrait sérieusement ralentir la croissance déjà stagnante de l'Afrique, les pays exportateurs de pétrole perdant jusqu'à 65 milliards de dollars US de revenus alors que les prix du pétrole brut continuent de chuter.
14 Mars 2020
The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) has warned that the coronavirus pandemic could seriously dent Africa’s already stagnant economic growth.
14 Mars 2020
The list of African nations hit by the coronavirus keeps growing, with Namibia, Rwanda, and Eswatini among those reporting their first cases.
14 Mars 2020
The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) on Friday warned the unfolding coronavirus crisis could seriously dent Africa’s already stagnant growth with oil-exporting nations losing up to US$ $65 billion in revenues as crude oil prices continue to tumble.
13 Mars 2020
Africa economic growth may decline from the forecast 3.2 percent at the end of 2020 to 1.8 percent due to the recent CODIV-19 pandemic, according to Economic Commission for Africa.
13 Mars 2020
The Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) on Friday warned the unfolding coronavirus crisis could seriously dent Africa’s already stagnant growth with oil exporting nations losing up to US$ $65 billion in revenues as crude oil prices continue to tumble.
13 Mars 2020
The answer to Africa’s future security may lie in a battle waged 124 years ago. In that decisive encounter, an emperor not only repelled a colonial force but united, inspired, trained and led his people into battle, ultimately ensuring that they would be the only country on the entire continent to resist conquest by the West.
12 Mars 2020
Ambassador of Kazakhstan to Ethiopia Barlybay Sadykov met with the United Nations Under-Secretary General, Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), Vera Songwe, the press service of the Kazakh Embassy in Addis Ababa informs.
11 Mars 2020
La Standard bank group et la Commission économique des Nations unies pour l’Afrique (CEA) vont lever cent millions de dollars au profit des femmes africaines, a annoncé l’agence onusienne.
11 Mars 2020
La famille des Nations Unies en Éthiopie a organisé ce mardi, une cérémonie commémorative de dépôt de gerbes en l’honneur des 21 membres du personnel des Nations Unies décédés en 2019 lorsqu’un avion d’Ethiopian Airlines s’est écrasé peu de temps après avoir quitté Addis-Abeba tuant les 157 passagers à bord.
11 Mars 2020
United Nations staff members and families remembered their colleagues who lost their lives on the crashed Ethiopia Airlines Flight ET-302 last year.
11 Mars 2020
How can Africa generate the power it needs to grow and prosper without becoming reliant on unsustainable solutions such as coal? Vera Songwe and Scott Mather introduce the SDG 7 Initiative for Africa, a bold new initiative that aims to add 10,000 MW to Africa’s electricity capacity by 2025, all in the form of clean energy
10 Mars 2020
The United Nations family in Ethiopia on Tuesday held a memorial wreath-laying ceremony honoring the lives of 21 U.N. staff members who died last year when an Ethiopian Airlines plane crashed shortly after leaving Addis Ababa killing all 157 people aboard.
