
Launch of the 2018 Africa Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition Report
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Multipurpose Hall, African Union Headquarters

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has core focus on food security and nutrition. Eradicating hunger and malnutrition has been recognized as a complex phenomenon, with different manifestations depending on regional, country and local contexts. The identification of emerging issues at all levels, and collecting evidence about them, are key factors to promote food security and nutrition in the political agenda.

The Africa Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition Report is produced to fill gaps of regional based evidence information on emerging challenges and issues facing the subregions and national governments in Africa. Furthermore, the report is used to facilitate policy dialogue and collaboration among countries. This event will present the report' key findings, with a special emphasis on regional performance as related to hunger eradication, key drivers of food security and nutrition outcomes, and evolvement of extreme weather events in Africa.

The plenary discussion provides an opportunity to hear directly, from Member State, regional and subregional bodies and concerned stakeholders more in-depth on issues and challenges related to hunger eradication in Africa.


The Report

2018 Africa Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition Report

(Click on the image)