
African Geology and Mineral Information Systems - Expert Group Meeting
Tuesday, July 8, 2014 to Thursday, July 10, 2014
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The meeting will be held amidst a consensus among experts that there is a lack of geological map coverage at appropriate scales across many African countries. In addition, there is a generally limited capacity currently available to fill these gaps through for example, field mapping, geophysical data acquisition and processing, and spatial data management among others.  to name but a few areas that could be strengthened.  
The meeting will discuss mineral resource classifications, the role of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) in leveraging resources for filling geology and minerals information gaps and the role of geology and minerals information in areas raised by the AMV, such as defining mineral exploration blocks for auction as well as leasing or tenure.
Issues to be addressed
The EGM will be looking at issues, options and making recommendations on:

  • Geological data on Africa – principles and practices (e.g. in relation to data ownership, distribution, use etc)
  • Strategic approaches to filling geological and minerals information gaps (including PPPs, donor funded activities, and other models)
  • An African mineral resource classification
  • Geology and mineral information systems required to support the definition of exploration blocks for auction, lease etc  for various types of minerals (e.g. ore, gems, industrial minerals and agro minerals)
  • The implementation, to date, of the Action Plan for implementing the AMV, as well as next steps at the:
    • National level
    • Regional level

While addressing these things, there will be opportunity to share experiences in panel discussions, brainstorm on next steps in breakout sessions, and look at how geology and mineral information related parts of the AMV and Action Plan can be implemented.